Blood Born - Chapter 51 The End

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I woke to a scream not far from the bed chamber. My heart raced as I sat up in a cold sweat trying to listen. Perhaps it was a dream. I closed my eyes and strained to hear. It came again, an ear-piercing shriek. I shook James awake.

"What?" he grumbled.

"Something's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong, Ellie. Go back to sleep."

I shook my head and threw the covers from my body. I braced for the coldness, but my scales were tougher than my weak skin had been. My heart continued to thud in my chest.

"The babies!" I shrieked, running from the room.

My claws clicked on the stone floor as I scrambled down the hall to my sleeping children. Elizabeth and Connall were in danger. I threw open the door to their nursery and saw nothing but sleeping babies. Elizabeth's crib was still engulfed in her snowy clouds while Connall's crim had the soft glow of his fire.

Confused, I stood there thinking I'd grown crazy. James was right, there was nothing.

As I turned to return to bed I heard the scream again. This time it came agonized and ending. A very final scream.

Someone died.

I couldn't understand how I heard it or where it was coming from though. I walked down the hallway toward the staircase leading to the lower level of the castle. Things were still. Unusually still. I didn't like how quiet the castle was. Even in the middle of the night, there should have been guards or servants hustling about. A castle was never truly sleeping.

Tonight it was and that did not sit well with me. I had to find out what was going on. The entire time my heart slammed against my chest. I might have been half-dragon, but I still had human fears.

I continued through the castle looking for anyone.

"Hello?" I called out.

Only my echo returned to me.

I pushed open the kitchen door and recoiled at the sight. I held my hand to my mouth and stifled a scream. I hadn't heard one woman screaming out in pain, I'd heard dozens. The kitchen staff was dead. All of them. My stomach heaved as I backed out of the area of death. My head reeled at the thought of my entire staff dead.

If they're not down here, where are they? Who did this? Who could kill an entire household?

Taking a few deep breaths, I pushed open the kitchen door and headed in. I made my way through the bodies, stooping down next to a few hoping to find any signs of life. Near the back door to the outside courtyards, I heard the sound of metal scraping on stone. I crouched down, dragging my claws along the stone to get a grip if I would have to fight.

"Majesty," a weak voice called to me.

I calmed a bit at the sound of one of my guard's voices. I hurried to the mortally injured young man and cradled his bleeding head in my lap. The blood that poured from his wound soaked my white sleeping gown.

"What happened to you?"

"Th-they came out of nowhere. So powerful. We didn't stand a chance."

"Who?" I queried.

"I don't know, but they knew what they were doing. Th-they were monsters. They used the girls to lure the other guards in. We never stood a chance. I'm so sorry, majesty."

"Shh. Calm yourself."

"T-th-they are coming for the queen mother, for you, and for the young prince and princess."

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