Blood Born- Chapter 35

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I rolled over and stared out the window. The grey morning was something I'd grown used to. Rain pelted the window as I lay there watching. The words of the elder dragons were fresh in my mind.

A dragon heart. I'm a dragon heart. I'm not even human. Not completely.

James's arm wrapped snuggly about my waist, pulling me closer. It was both wonderful and sad. He was my love. The man I wanted to be my king. The man I trusted to rule my country by my side. I'd already made up my mind he would be king of England in his own right. Deep down I knew I would live longer than he would. At least part of me would. I'd have to live for eternity without the man that I love. I would have Draco though.

"It's going to be alright," he whispered.

"I know."

It wasn't going to be alright though. A bad feeling took over and made everything seem uneasy. I sat up and stretched my aching, sore body.

"Come back to bed," James called.

The bed looked like a better option than getting up and getting dressed, but it would never be allowed. Somebody should be in the room at any moment.

"We can't, James. We do have our duties."

"Hmm. I suppose."

As he lay back with his hands behind his head the doors to my chamber flew open and my mother strode in.

"I thought I'd find the two of you here."

"Do you ever knock?" I questioned.

"Is there a reason for me to?" She glanced between the two of us.

I shook my head and sighed heavily. "No, Mother. But I would like a little privacy occasionally."

"When you're married you can have privacy." She paced the room like an anxious puppy. "Your father and I were speaking."


"We feel the wedding should proceed as planned."

"Wedding? With the threat of the Guild at the doorstep, you want us to get married?"

"There is no guessing when the battle will occur. It could be tomorrow, next year, or ten years from now. No sense in wasting any more time."

"I don't find preparing for a battle to be a waste of time, Mother."

"No, Evelyn. I agree. I don't think we should postpone," James said, sitting up.

"What? You're agreeing to the crazy notion?"

Charlene shut the connecting door to her room quietly, appearing beside my mother. "I concur. It's been quite long enough. It's time for the wedding."

"I don't know. There's so much we have to do."

"Are you stalling for a reason? Do you not love me?"

"James! I love you dearly. You are most precious to me, besides my parents and country of course."

"Of course." Mother nodded.

"Then why hesitate? We will be strong as one. We will be strong as the Prince and Princess of England and Scotland. Whether we marry now or later, it will happen."

"Yes, I know this and I want to marry. I just don't want the possibility of the Guild ruining our day."

"They can't. They've already done so much to harm our very way of life, this will just show them that they cannot divide us."

"Nothing will ever divide us," I mumbled, sitting on the bed in my undergarments. "I just don't want any surprises."

"I understand," Mother said. "But you can't let this affect your life in such a grand way. Do not stop what needs to be done."

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