Blood Born - Chapter 25

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I slowly opened the door, cringing as it creaked with each movement. Poking my head out, I scanned the hallway for any guards. My stomach clenched when I saw nobody standing around.

They would have someone standing guard. They always do.

I chewed my bottom lip as I slipped into the hallway. Something wasn't right. Creeping down the stairs, the foyer was deserted. Granted it was the middle of the night but there should have been a guard of some sort. The long hall going toward the library sent shudders of nervousness up and down my spine. Torches lit the way, casting shadows against the stark walls. A flutter of white crossed at the far end. I pressed my back against the cold wood and watched, waiting for something. Anything.

The movement vanished though. I continued along, placing each foot down as softly as I could.

"Evelyn?" a loud whisper came from a small alcove near the library.


"We're all ready."

I peered into the small enclave, there were at least thirty girls stuffed into the small space. More girls were around a corner, huddling together.

The library was empty. The fireplace at the far end seemed to have never been used.

"Where's the passage?" I asked.

"Beyond the wall. There should be a lever within the fireplace," a small voice said from within the group.

I felt along the walls, my fingers dipping into a groove in the stone. I reached in until I felt a small switch. I dug underneath, my fingers sinking in ash and dirt. Lifting up, I jumped back as a whoosh of air rushed out at us. A few of the girls squealed as the scrapping stone moved back.

"Shh," I urged them all. "Hurry, down the passage! Wagons are waiting."

The smallest girls went first, walking slowly into the darkness.

"We can't see!" the youngest called from the front.

Lighting a torch I handed it off to an older girl, motioning for her to take the lead. She nodded and crept along the draft passage.

"Where do all of you girls think you're going?" Angnolo asked from behind us.

"Hurry! Run!" I yelled to the room full of girls.

They hurried through as I jumped in front of a few of the Guides attempting to grab hold of them.

"Let me go!" a young one with a thick French accent screamed.

I ran to her, grabbing hold of the guide's arm. I watched in amazement as my hands glowed a bright red, searing his flesh. He yelled out in agony, releasing his grip on the girl. She scampered past and into the darkness, trying to catch up with the other girls.

"Well, well, aren't you full of surprises, precious petunia? I knew there was something different about you. I never would have imagined you bonded with a dragon."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, my heart speeding up.

Agnolo tusked me as he circled around the room.

"You won't catch them," I said.

"I don't care much about those little dew drops. I have the most perfect weapon standing in front of me. They go on. But you. Not you."

"What?" I asked.

"Your mother was the only assassin to ever break from us. Now you, well you lost us all of our assassins in training. It's okay though. We have a dragon rider now."

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