Blood Born - Chapter 46

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"I have no desire to see those witches again."

"Our best option is to see Priscilla. She is the more cooperative and smart of the sisters."

"I don't," my voice trailed off as a searing pain shot through my back.

I dropped to my knees and clawed at the ground as the pain intensified. I let out a scream as the pain gave way to what felt like my skin ripping apart.

"Evelyn? Evelyn, what's wrong?"

"My back!"

The fabric of my gown ripped down the back. A cold breeze blew across my now exposed skin.

"Oh, well that's different," Draco said as I attempted to stand.

I struggled to stand as my upper body felt so different. My back itched fiercely. I reached around to scratch but stopped at what I felt. Something protruded from my back.

"What? What is this? What is this?" I screamed.

I pulled on the protrusion, surprised to find that it stretched. I continued to pull out and around. The strange thing that was attached to me was covered in feathers. Velvety soft feathers of the most beautiful azure.

"Why do I have feathers? What is this!"

"Well, Evelyn, it seems you have wings."

"Wings? Me? How is that possible? I didn't have wings before."

"You do now," he replied.

"Why?" I sank back to my knees, confused and feeling so very overwhelmed.

Draco shook his mighty head. "I do not know, Evelyn."

"Do they work?" I inquired, yanking on the feathers. A sharp pain shot through my shoulders when I pulled a little too hard.

"There's only one way to find out."

I nodded as Draco knelt to one knee. I climbed upon his back and held on as he dove off the cliff, soaring higher and higher into the sky. As we fly above the clouds, I stood on Draco's back. The wind whipped about, swirling my hair about my body. The wind was cold so high. I looked down and realized that only the chemise from beneath my gown remained. I didn't mind so much. The scales that I'd seen earlier shimmered and shined beneath the nearly shear fabric. They covered my stomach, my thighs, and half of my chest. My fingernails had grown at an alarming rate. Not quite claws, but much longer than I was used to. Taking a deep breath, I let myself fall from Draco's back. The clouds enveloped me as I fell toward the ground below. Draco dove toward me, keeping pace with me as I fell.

"What now?" I asked.

"Try to use them."

"That's your best advice? I'm plummeting toward the hard ground. I could die!"

"Try to open your wings!"


"You need to figure it out."

The ground grew closer and closer with each passing second. My heart sped up as I tried to figure out how to use my wings. The trees grew larger and larger till I was smacked in the face by a passing branch. I could feel the blood rise to the surface as mighty claws wrapped about my body, slowing my approaching demise. Just as quickly as I fell, I was rising. I held onto my face as Draco lifted me above the clouds once again.

"You couldn't have grabbed me any earlier?" I asked.

He chuckled a bit. "I gave you time to realize how impertinent it is for you to not always rely on me."

"Not rely on you? You're my dragon! My partner."

"Yes, but there will be times that I will not be able to aid you. You must learn."

I sighed as he placed me upon his back. I wiped the blood off my hand onto the chemise. The fabric quickly absorbed the crimson liquid leaving a stain behind. Taking a deep breath, I leaped once again. I focused on the wings and not the ground below. Using my strength I pushed them out.

"Oh! I did it!"

"Almost. Now fly! See yourself flapping the wings. See yourself willing them to carry you high."

"Okay," I shouted at the dragon who flew beside me. I closed my eyes and focused on seeing myself flying high.

I could feel the wings flap. My body no longer fell but lifted high. I was flying. Draco and I soared above the clouds across the ocean. It seemed to take just a short while for the castle to come back into view. Draco directed me to a spire to land on. Neither of us was sure what others would think of my new found accessories. As I landed hard on my butt, Draco shimmered invisibly and landed near the barn. I only knew by the large dust cloud that floated up around him. I suppressed a laugh as a stable boy fell from the force of Draco's wings. He scrambled to his feet and looked around frantically before scurrying off. The door that led inside was open and the passage clear. I tiptoed down the spiraling stone to the floor below. I paused at the door and listened. Guards marched past. Their armor clanked as they made their way down the hall. Once it had been quiet for some time I slowly pushed the door open and walked along the wall. I had to go down one more floor to get to my own chambers. The staircase was only a few feet away. I could make it.

As I crept down the stairs I heard Charlotte's voice.

She can't see me!

I held my breath and pressed myself against the wall as hard as I could. Which was surprisingly difficult with the wings. As her voice faded, I hurried down the rest of the stairs and ran for my door.

"Evelyn?" A voice asked as I pulled the door shut behind me.

I ran for the changing area and hid behind the divider just as the door opened.

"Evelyn? Is that you?"

"Um, yes, it's me."

"Where did you go?" Charlotte asked.

"Well, there's something I need to show you. Just don't scream. Okay?"

"Why would I scream?" she asked.

Taking a deep breath I stepped out from behind the screen. Her eyes grew as large as saucers.

"So, I had a bit of a change."

"You have wings."

"And scales." I removed the chemise and pursed my lips as she clasped her hand to her mouth.

She moved her hand for a moment. "I don't understand."

"I don't either. Not really."

"How did that happen?"

"A lot of dragon fire."

"Are you a dragon?" she asked.

"Kind of. When I died the changing process started."

"You didn't die. You're alive."

"I did die. Momentarily."

"And now you're a dragon?"

"Now I'm part dragon. Not fully."

"Your mother is going to be really mad."

I sighed heavily. "I know."

"How are you going to hide your wings?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea."

"Well, let us start by getting you bathed."

I nodded and climbed into the large metal basin as she called for water. How was I going to tell anyone about any of this? How could I hide the wings?

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