Blood Born - Chapter 43

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The fever overtook my body so fast. I didn't get to see my children for long. I felt so weak and tired, the only thing that seemed logical was to sleep. I couldn't wake up though. Part of my mind didn't want to. As a queen, I did what I was supposed to. I gave the king his heir. James never left my side. At least I don't think he did. From somewhere far away I did hear a man weeping. The man sounded like James, but it was such a distant cry I couldn't be sure. Mixed in were the high pitched wails of infants. My infants. My little prince and princess.

What had I named them? Did I name them? Yes. Elizabeth. Connall. Yes! My children.


"Charlene, is she alright?" James asked, looking down at his wife.

Her frail body, a body that held the lives of their children no more than a day before, was pale and her brow beaded with sweat despite the castle being so very cold.

"I don't know, majesty. I really don't know. The physicians should be able to help."

"She is so very hot to the touch." He ran his hand through her hair as she lay there lost in her sleep.

"There is nothing anyone can do now," her mother whispered, dabbing at her dying daughters sweaty brow.

"Someone has to be able to help," her father said, pacing about the chamber in angst.

"Draco!" Charlene shouted, standing up so fast she knocked her chair over and in turn disturbed the newborn prince and princess.

The soft wails echoed about the room as Charlene began to rock them back to slumber.

"The dragon?" the elder king asked, stopping near his daughters bed. "What can he do?"

"They are bonded. He can save her."

"Perhaps. Where is he?"

"You don't suppose he's sick?" Mother asked, walking to the window and staring out over the starless night.

Charlene shrugged her shoulders and left the room. Hoping that the old dragon was in the barn or somewhere near, she did find it odd that he hadn't been to the room yet. She broke out in a run once she reached the stairs, holding her skirts up and taking the steps two at a time. At the bottom, she slid on the shiny floor and landed on her knees hard. A sharp pain shot up through her body as she clambered to stand.

"Madame!" a guard shouted, running to the injured noblewoman.

"No! I'm fine."

She ran down the length of the hallway toward the kitchen at the back of the castle. The candles were out, leaving the smoldering fire as the only light to guide her way. The heavy wooden door creaked under her weight as she flung herself against it in a hurry to get out.

The barn that the ancient dragon stayed in was at the far end of the darkened court. She stopped halfway at the sound of heavy breathing from the side of the castle. Looking, she saw a large form laying on the ground, directly below the dying queen's window.

"Draco!" she shouted, running to his side. "Wh-what happened?"

"Evelyn. She's. Dying," he managed to get out between labored breaths.

"I know. What's happening to you?"

"We're bonded. She dies. I die."

"But you can't. You can't die!"

"I'm. Sorry."

"What can we do? What can we do to save her? To save you?"

"The witch," he said, closing his eyes.

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