Blood Born - Chapter 39

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I passed my chamber, anxiously awaiting the physician. My feet grew tired as my back ached. James sat in a wing-backed chair nearest the fireplace, his eyes closed and his hands resting atop his head.

How can he be sleeping at a time like this?

Mother stood near the window, watching helplessly as I paced. My body tingled with anticipation as we waited for what seemed like ages. My heart nearly leaped from my chest when a loud bang erupted from the door.

"Enter! Enter!" I bellowed.

The old oak doors creaked open as the four frail, white-haired men walked in wearing the typical black robes and white collar typical for a physician. My physicians had jeweled collars about their shoulders. Rubies and sapphire rings adored their fingers.

All the money the crown pays them better be worth it today.

I pursed my lips as a few page boys followed close behind with a large table covered in various carafes and glassware. The physicians talked amongst each other for a few moments while the boys arranged various bowls of liquid on the table.

"Oh bother with all of this! It is taking entirely too long."

"Please, be patient Princess Evelyn. We will all know soon enough if what you say is true."

"I already know. I am with child."

"Just humor the rest of us, Evelyn," my father said from near Mother.

"It'll help ease the minds of the people." James stood and strode towards me, running his hands up and down my arms.

"I know. I know. I'm just so anxious. I mean, I'm...we're going to have a baby!" My stomach churned as I sat down. "Oh God, I'm going to have a baby."

"Evelyn, this is amazing news. This is what our countries need."

"Is that the only reason we should bring a child into such a world? Such a cruel and unkind world?" I pondered. Not really to James, but out loud nonetheless.

"Of course not. The child is a product of our love. And the future king, or queen, of England and Scotland."

"Yes, I know. It is important to carry on the lineage. We need future rulers of our countries. I'm not talking about that though."

I stood and walked toward the fireplace.

"Then what?" Mother inquired.

"The Guild. I'm worried what the Guild will do once they learn of our precious news."

Nobody responded. I don't think anybody knew how to respond. They knew the Guild was a big threat.

"We are ready your majesties." The oldest of the four men said, ushering me to the stool chamber. "Princess, please give us an adequate amount in this carafe please."

I furrowed my brow as I looked at the tall vase-looking glass. I had to fill it up.

I sat in the small room, listening to the muffled noise from beyond the door. Finishing up, I hurried out and handed what I had produced to the physicians. Curiously, I watched as they filled various bowls and vials with the sunflower-colored liquid. The physician in the middle picked up a large glass of wine and poured it into one of the bowls. Cocking my head to the side, I strained to hear what they spoke. They stroked their beards and nodded their heads before moving on to the next bowl. I saw a long blue ribbon being dunked into the bowl they focused on before their murmuring commenced.

"Well? What say you?" James asked, pacing about the table.

"We have a few more tests to go through."

"Come, come now men! You've already done two. What say you?"

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