Blood Born - chapter 13

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"Impossible!" James shouted, standing up.

"It's not. I told you there was no hiding from the Guild," my mother replied, shaking her head.

"I don't understand how they could know."

"They just do," my mother shouted at him.

"I don't want to die."

"What, Evelyn?"

"I don't want to die. I'd rather stay alive," I said again.

James held out his hand for me. Graciously I took it, allowing him to pull me to my feet. I nearly collapsed into his arms. I felt terrified and weak. Something I was not used to at all. I chewed the sides of my cheeks, attempting to subdue the sobs that threatened to escape. My eyes glassed over as tears built up.

"You'll b alright, Evelyn. I won't let anything happen to you." He held me tight to his body.

My mother stood beside us shaking her head. "No. You can't keep her safe. The only one who can is Evelyn."

"Me?" I asked.

"I've taught you everything I know. You need to be strong and vigilant. There is no telling when they will strike."

The doors creaked open and a guard poked his head inside. His eyebrows stitched together and he seemed troubled.

Draco shimmered out of sight as James whipped his head around. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Uh, do forgive me, majesty. It's just some of the lords are inquiring about your whereabouts."

"It is none of their concern," James shouted.

"Yes. I know, sire; however, one of the servant girls is dead."

"What?" His voice filled with terror.

"We managed to hide her body before anyone saw her, but you should probably see her."

"How did she die?"

"An arrow to the heart."

"An arrow? Did you catch who did it?" James asked, his hands shaking in mine.

"No. Nobody saw anything. She was standing near the entrance to the kitchen and just dropped dead with an arrow in her heart."

"It's them," my mother said.

"Are you sure?" my father asked.


"Who, Madame?"

James motioned for the guard to lead him out. The man nodded his head and left the rest of us standing in the barn. My fear slowly turned to anger. It bubbled in my stomach. They attacked an innocent girl for no reason. They threatened me simply because of who my mother was at one time. I furrowed my brows and paced the room. I couldn't allow anyone else to die because of a group of insane men and women.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm going with James." I picked my skirts up off the ground and scurried after the prince.

I saw the guard leading him around the back of the castle, his cape fluttering in the wind.

"James!" I called, running after them.

A small, white tent had been set up behind the castle as an extra outdoor kitchen. The men disappeared inside. I dropped my skirts and straightened the tiara on my head before pulling the front flap of the tent back. James turned to look at me as he stood over top of a body. My breath hitched as I saw the blood dripping off the table she lay on.

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