Chapter Forty-Five

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At seven we had decided on all the details and had the drawers done, without details, and the actual desk was pretty much done.

"I thought this would take weeks!"

"I told you beautiful, four hands work fast."

"Lucky for you, you have four."

"I am lucky."

She rolled her eyes and I laughed, making her roll them again.

I started sweeping everything into a pile by the door as she sat herself on the bench. I caught her staring so I exaggerated my movements, she always stared at me when I used my arms and I liked that I wasn't the only one who got caught.

As I finished I looked at her and she blushed looking down.


"Sure, sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Dani."

"I can't not look at you."

"We'll I can't take my eyes off of you either, so don't feel bad."

She blushed again, "Seriously Kane, I'm sorry." She looked like she was more serious than usual.

"Dani, this is about more than just looking isn't it?"

Her eyes lowered even more and I slowly walked closer. She looked like she was trying not to cry, so I just pulled her in for a hug and held her.

She had never gotten this upset about it before. I was really worried.

I pulled back after a couple minutes and she kept looking down at our hands. "Dani? Is it about this morning?"

She looked confused and then when she remembered she almost looked scared before she put her head on my shoulder and cried. I pulled her tight and ran my hand up and down her back while my other rested around her shoulders.

When she calmed down she brought her arms up around my neck and put her forehead on mine. Seeing her like this broke my heart, I didn't even know what it was about. I didn't mean to go without my shirt this morning, it didn't seem like a big thing for others but it was a big step for us, even accidentally.

"Is it about this morning?"

She looked hesitant before nodding slowly.

"I really didn't mean not to wear a shirt, it just happened at a bad time."

She looked confused, "What? Oh, Kane I told you, it's your house too, you could just wear your boxers I don't care. I really don't, plus, it was an accident."

"But you said it was about this morning."

She opened her mouth a couple times without saying anything before she took a couple deep breaths and spoke quietly, "I told you weeks ago I didn't want to be a tease. I get that I tease you with small things but I really don't want to tease you with anything more serious."

I was so confused. I couldn't have been more lost in the middle of a desert somewhere. Then it hit me, she meant laying on the bed this morning. She didn't want to tease me further than kissing. I didn't even know what to say to that.


"Kane, I don't know why I laid beside you this morning, I don't want you to think that I'm trying to lead you on when I know I can't go any further."

"Dani, I was just going to say that you're not leading me on or teasing me by laying beside me. We've been on the same page since the start, I won't push you. I know you're not ready, I mean it's barely been two months."

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