Chapter Thirty-One

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We had hung out all day together for the last eight days, except when I was working. If I closed he would come in the morning and watch the sun rise, before going to work, and come over before the diner closed and help me close up. If I opened, I would watch the sunrise alone, and after work go to the house and work with Kane, before we went to his house. We ate at both places and curled up together or went skating. We went bowling once too.

I woke up with a pain in my hip, it was bent funny. I still had nightmares every night and some were exaggerated truths. Those were the worst because it hit me like a wall, so many at once. Those mornings I would be up earlier because I couldn't sleep after them. Kane felt bad that he couldn't do anything and most nights he made me nap so he knew I got some sleep before he headed out.

I walked to the balcony after making a cup of coffee. I didn't know when Kane was coming over, since we were leaving today for the trip.

The detective had come over yesterday and told me how the trial and following would proceed. He said I still had a month or two before I had to decide if I wanted to testify, since the trial was in four months. Ironic, it was happening right after April.

He said that there was too much evidence for the jury not to convict him, and told me again that my testimony would be another, although big one, another nail in the coffin. I wasn't sure if I could do it though. Kane said he would support me either way, like with everything, and the detective had left.

I think his visit was the reason I didn't sleep at all last night. I know there was lots of evidence and that he would go to jail but there was always that 'what if', I can't imagine him free and deemed 'innocent' after everything he did.

I heard a knock at the door before footsteps coming closer.

"I just poured you a coffee."

"Thanks beautiful."

He wrapped me up in his arms with the blanket around us.

"Did you sleep last night?"


"I'm so sorry. Was it the one with your mother in it again?"

"Yes. But it was others too. It wasn't just things that happened. It was as if I was imagining him being free. He kept chasing me, it didn't matter where I went, I woke up out of breath and sweating so bad. I was shaking too. I think I dented the wall. Lily woke up and sat with me twice, I feel bad. It took her a while to calm me down, I kept mumbling all sorts of stuff."

"She doesn't mind Dani, she just wants you to sleep, we all do. He won't be free Dani, he never will be. The detective told you he wouldn't go free. He will be locked up."

"I know. My brain just won't accept it."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something. How much did you sleep?"

"I maybe got an hour, collectively." I yawned as his look became more worried.

"Do you want to sleep? You can sleep now, and/or on the way to my sisters. It's a long boring drive."

"It's going to be more boring if I'm sleeping."

"No, you'll keep me awake."

"By sleeping?"

"Oh yeah."

"You're such a guy," I rolled my eyes as he laughed.

"You can sleep now, I'll hold you, just close your eyes."

"I don't deserve you Kane."

"You deserve the moon and all it's stars beautiful. Just rest."

"Thanks Kane."

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