Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The four of us had started a game of euchre, but Kat and I were so distracted we were getting beat pretty bad. We lost two rounds only getting a combined six points, before she asked if we could play a different game.

"How about Scrabble?"

Everyone nodded and Lily went to get it. It was only seven so there was plenty of time until midnight.

An hour later Lily had won, with me in second, just above Kat and Kane in last. His excuse was that he wasn't a 'words guy'. But I know he has plenty to say to me, so it's not true.

"Well Dani, I found something Kane isn't the best at, Scrabble."

"I think he went easy. But it's good to know he's not perfect, just 98%."

Lily laughed and she went to put the game away.

"So what now?" Kat asked us.

"It's up to you, I don't know games very well."


"I don't know what you have, and I didn't really play games either."

"Aunt Lily and I used to play all kinds, but most of them we gave away. They were two player games anyways."

"Kat, remember this one?" Lily asked as she walked in.

They both started laughing and Kane and I just looked at each other, I shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Me neither." He looked confused as Lily and Kat kept laughing, talking about memories with Lily's late husband and his brother.

Lily calmed down a bit before explaining how the game worked, "Basically there is a word on the card and you have to get your partner to say it. But there are three other words on the card and you can't use any of those. You can say words or sentences, as long as it doesn't have the three words in it. Okay?"

"Sure. So it's in teams?"

"Yeah, do you two want to be against Kat and I?"

"That's not fair, you've played before," I said jokingly.

"I'm sure you guys will do fine. It's easier if you think back to memories or stories. Oh! And if the word is like bow, and your partner says rainbow, it counts because it's in it."


I looked at Kane and he just shrugged, "You ready?"

"You have to try to get as many cards right as possible in two minutes. Do you want us to go first?"

"Sure, sounds like a good idea."

"Okay, flip the timer over and say go."

I did as she said and they started talking super fast. Kat was giving clues and Lily was guessing. They were funny to watch. They brought up the weirdest things that seemed completely unrelated but Lily would get it right.

One was dragon and Kat brought up some campfire story. All the clues were pretty much memories but it seemed to work. The timer ran out and I said time was up.

"So do you get it? You keep giving clues as they keep guessing until the right word comes out."

We both nodded slowly.

"So which of you is guessing?"

We both looked at each other and shrugged, "I guess I will," I said but Kane didn't seem very pleased with that. He looked really worried.

"Do you want to guess?" I asked him.

"No it's okay, I'm apologizing in advance though, if we lose."

"Don't worry about it, as long as we laugh."

Never Again.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon