Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kane and I had spent the last two days together. We went bowling one day, and just hung out the next. The only time we were apart was when he went home to sleep.

I had bad nightmares the last couple nights, I figure it's because I have to talk about it again today to the detective.

I had been dreading this day, but I asked Kane yesterday if he would come over, which he replied with an 'Of course beautiful.'

I felt stronger when he was around and figured it would help.

I had woken up from another nightmare which had ended up in me waking up in the corner of the room with my knees up to my chest. I didn't scream much anymore, but I woke up all over my room, crying and shaking uncontrollably.

I walked to the balcony with a blanket and watched the sunrise. I heard footsteps and looked to the door.

"Good morning Dani. Good sleep?"

"Yeah. Thanks." I always told her it was good, if I didn't scream. She didn't worry as much when I slept better. But I hated lying to her, because I really hadn't slept at all. Kane knew I didn't sleep much, I never could and still can't lie to him. He wishes he could do more which is why I'd lie to him, knowing he can't do anything.

Lily sometimes watched the sunrise with me but usually she opened so she had to get ready, like this morning.

Every morning I thought of Kane and I curled up on the chair watching it. I held my necklace every morning, wishing he were here.

Like every morning, when the sun got to a point in the sky, I walked inside and had a coffee.

"What are you doing today Dani?"

"The detective is supposed to come in today, so Kane's coming over again."

"How are you two? Does it help that he comes over?"

"Yes. He does more than he thinks. Although, he thinks he doesn't do much."

"You should tell him."

"I have, but hearing it again can only help. Thanks Lily."

"Can I ask you something Dani?"

"Of course."

"Do you care about him?"


"Does he know everything?"


"That's good. I try, but I'm glad you have someone that close Dani."

"I know you do, you do more than you think too Lily. But thank you."

"No problem sunshine." I smiled, thinking of Kane.

"Dani, where did you get that necklace, I love it. It's like the sunrise. It suits you."

"Thanks. Kane got it for me that day we met up in town. I haven't taken it off since."

"Don't. Its beautiful."

"Thank Lily." She got up, placing her cup in the sink.

"So I'll see you later?"

"Yup. I don't know what we're doing after the detective leaves but I'll obviously be home tonight."

"Okay, catch you then."


"What is it Dani?"

"Can I come back to work tomorrow? Kane has to work and I really don't want to be alone."



"I know you don't want to be. Oh! How about you go to work with Kane? That morning when you got up later, he mentioned that it would be weird having a day without you too. Maybe he didn't mean to, but you could always ask him."

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