Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I woke up with a pain in my thigh. It felt like a dull blade was being pushed through it.

I opened my eyes and looked down, it was her elbow. 'That I can live with.'

The sun was just starting to come up and I glanced at my watch. Five-thirty in the morning.

The moonlight shone off her hair and she looked like an angel, come poetry peaceful.

I moved slowly so I wouldn't wake her up, she still started mumbling and I stroked her hair back, "Just sleep beautiful, you need rest."

She seemed to calm down again and I walked to the kitchen.

Kylie turned around and jumped a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"No, I just wasn't expecting it. Coffee?"


"No problem. Is Ella awake?"

I so badly wanted to correct her, but Dani wanted to do it, "No, Dani's not up yet. She'll wake up soon though, its almost six." I threw Dani out there hoping she would pick up on it.

"She gets up at six everyday?"

"Just about." 'Most days three or four.'

"On purpose?"

"She naturally wakes up, so she watches the sunrise." 'If nightmares count as natural.'

"Ugh, she has always been the morning person though. She used to get up at seven and we would all sleep in until nine or so."

"She's definitely a morning person."

"It's good to watch the sunrise though, its remarkable."

"It is."

She handed me two coffees and said she had to go.


"Goodbye," she turned but turned back, "Kane?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Bringing her back. There's been a void since she was taken, without you it would still be there."

"I'm sure Dani would've come back anyways, I just helped."

"No. She said she probably would never have made it."


"Yes. She only said it quietly yesterday, but I was sitting beside her so I heard it. She meant it, and I do too. Thank you. Part of us was gone with her, you gave us our family back."


"Dani was right."


"You don't take compliments well."

"So I've heard."

"I didn't mention it to anyone else, what Ella said. But thank you, I mean it."

'Dani!' I wanted to yell.

"I guess I'm supposed to say you're welcome."

She smiled, nodded and walked out the door.

I walked back to the living room and put the coffees on the table rushing over to Dani.

"It's okay, just sleep. You're safe now." She was shaking pretty badly and the pillow under her head was soaked, her cheeks were wet.

"Dani, please beautiful, wake up."

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