Chapter Thirty-Two

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We walked the long way home too, stopping to pick up a couple groceries. Jaz had texted Kane, letting him know she would be about half hour late, so we had an hour to make dinner.

"How long were we at the aquarium today?"

"Far longer than you'll believe."

"Let me guess, seven hours?"

"We got there at eight, and we just left at five thirty."

"No way! That's nine and a half hours!"

"What did I say?"

"It felt like two maybe three."

"Time flies when we're together."

"Yes, it does."

"You're thinking."


"About that couple?"

"Yeah. Do you think it's weird that they asked if we were married? Or that they didn't think it was weird at all that we would be so serious about marriage?"

"I don't think it's weird. At first I did, but as she kept talking it made sense. As for them thinking its weird that we are serious, no. They see themselves in us, in a way, and they've made it together for a long time, so maybe they just assume we will too."

"I guess so. Do you think we will make it that long?"

"Are you ever leaving?"


"Well I'm not, so unless you change your mind, I think we will. I was glad to see someone else that feels the same way."

"Me too. She made me realize a couple things too, it was... needed."

"Like what, if I'm not pushing."

"No, you aren't. This might sound weird, how do I put it? Umm, you have told me that you love me, that I will be your love forever, but the way she talked about me having your heart, I guess it made me realize what that really meant. Then when you said it was true, I guess I realized how much I mean to you. I know how I feel about you, and now I know that it's a mutual feeling. I get why you want what I want I guess. I don't know, it's hard to explain, it just kind of came together when she talked."

"I get what you mean. Honestly though, I was worried."


"Yeah. She kept saying how in love I was with you, but never mentioned it the other way. I guess I was worried that she didn't see how you felt."

"She knows how I feel, she told me. If she hadn't, would you think I cared for you any less?"

"No, I guess it's just nice to have someone else say it."

"I guess so."

We were just walking into the elevator and I spotted a couple walking across the foyer, "Kane, look!"

He looked over and was as shocked as I was.

"Is that-"


It was the couple from the aquarium. They walked over and sat on the bench by the door. He had his arm around her shoulders and she leaned on him, like it was the most natural thing in the world. I smiled and put my head on Kane's chest with my arms around his waist, and he pulled me close, one hand on the back of my head, running through my hair, as the other was on my shoulder blade.

"He waved."

"The man?"

"Yes, he had a knowing grin on his face and waved. I think she had her eyes closed, so I don't know if she even saw us."

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