Chapter Eight

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"Oh Dani, I'm sorry for listening in. I came to ask for help...  when I overheard you talking and collapsed. I couldn't believe what I heard. I'm so sorry. I'll leave."

I was angry at first. How she could listen in to such a private conversation? But then relief flooded through me when I realized it wasn't Charlie coming back for me.

"No, it's okay, at least I don't have to repeat myself." I barely looked up but heard her come sit beside me, squeezing my hand lightly.

I don't know how long we all sat there, two of us sobbing quietly and Lily rocking us gently. It could've been hours or minutes, but eventually my tears stopped flowing and Lily spoke.

"Come on, Dani, let's get you something to eat." I nodded and stood up. Kat grabbed me for support and walked beside me down the stairs.

"I'm just going to make some lunch. How about you go freshen up in the bathroom and meet us downstairs?"

I nodded again and saw Kat rush downstairs, probably placing an order with Roger, the cook.

Two hours later we had finished lunch and Kat and I were reopening the diner when Lily said we should have a day on the town. Kat piped up and I walked upstairs to get ready. Staring at myself in the mirror I felt lighter. Like I didn't have to hide who I was, and that I could trust them. I felt so close to them after such a short time and the thought of leaving them made me feel crushed. After New Years. 

I grabbed my wallet and walked down the stairs, deciding I would buy them each a small gift to show them how grateful I was for everything they did for me.

Three hours later we were just heading into the last store, a jewellery store, and I had already bought Kat's gift. But she had no idea, I bought myself a pair of jeans at the same store so she thought nothing of it when I checked out.

That's when I saw it. The necklace was a small icon, attached to a thin silver chain. The icon was of the people hugging, that's how it came open and closed. the little people twisted together and apart. I picked it up and walked to the counter. I bought the necklace without thinking twice. It reminded me so much of the comfort I felt when I was with Lily. Kat looked at it and gasped.

"That's beautiful, Dani!"

"Yes, it is. But don't say anything, please, I want it to be a surprise for Lily on Christmas."

"Okay, my lips are sealed! She's going to love it Dani, I know it!"


We were walking back to the diner when Kat grabbed my arm bringing me to a stop, staring right at me.

"What?" I asked her hesitantly, afraid she would ask questions about my past, thankfully she hasn't all day.

"Are you sure you're not mad at me... for listening earlier?"

I sighed in relief.

"So you are mad?"

"No, I just... I was afraid you were going to ask me questions about it."

"So you're really not mad?"

"No, you would find out sooner or later. You deserve an explanation after everything you've done for me. "

"No. I don't. I should've given you time. I didn't mean to listen in, I just froze and heard it all. I'm so sorry for your past Dani, I know it doesn't change anything, but..." then she squeezed me tight and we hugged for about five minutes, as a lone tear slid down my cheek. Then we turned, as I wiped the tear from my face, and we walked beside each other into the diner.

The next couple days were the same as before I told them all about my past, except that they kept asking me if I was alright, in response I just nodded.

The Wimbles came in the same days as usual. The next Friday, when they came in, Mrs. Wimble studied me as she sat down.

"The usual?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes please." they responded. I came back with two pies and two coffees, placing them on the table.

"You look good today, like you're floating. It looks good on you Dani." Mrs. Wimble said.


And that wasn't the only one who said that either. I didn't like the attention, wanting to just clean my tables, but I did like feeling lighter. I don't remember ever feeling this carefree. Not since I was sixteen, all those years ago.

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