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It was late in the middle of the night when Cortez's phone buzzed violently in his pocket. He shifted slightly in his seat to fish the phone out of his pocket. There was a text from his little brother. Miguel was asking how Sophie was. Cortez stole a glance up at Sophie, who was fast asleep on the couch with a flimsy blanket over. She didn't look comfortable but maybe that was because she didn't look well.

She's hanging in there. Cortez typed and sent his message.

Mom is dying to meet her. She's looked through all their family records already. She won't stop gushing about Sophie's good grades, clean record, volunteer credits, all that shit. Miguel sent.

Cortez couldn't help but feel prideful of his mate. Sophie's an angel. See, she's amazing. I told you to stop making fun of her.

I'm not making fun of her, I'm making fun of you. She's fine. You're the chump.

Cortez rolled his eyes. Fuck off.😒

Dad keeps telling mom to prepare for funeral stuff too and she keeps waving him off. You think the old man's gonna make it?

Cortez sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He stared at the old man, wishing he didn't even have to ask. It had been a day and a half already. Sophie insisted on spending the night here, which didn't do her well. She was in the same clothes and the bags under her eyes were even worse. Cortez knew she was suffering.

I'm not sure. Hold off on that for now. We've still got a little faith here. Cortez sent to his brother and stuffed his phone away.

"Are you bored? Does someone see you at the house?" Sophie's soft voice traveled through the darkness. Cortez looked to see her still laid on her side and eyes shut. "I know you're important. If you can't be here all day and night, I'm not going to hold it against you."

Cortez shook his head, his elbows resting on his knees. "No. It was just my brother. I don't want to be anywhere but here, Sophie." He whispered.

"What did Miguel say?"

Cortez couldn't help but smile a bit. She was clearly tired, exhausted even, but still trying to stay up to talk. He wondered if she was genuinely that curious or if she was just trying to make conversation for his sake because she thought he was bored.

"He was telling me how much him and my parents want to meet you." Cortez answered and reached to gently let her hair and move it out of the way of her face.

A faint smile pulled gently at her features but she never moved or opened her eyes. She started wondering again. What would it be like if Cortez's parents met her grandfather? Would that officially make their relationship real and serious? Maybe as a human, it would. Typically. But Sophie didn't live a typical life anymore. Still, she wondered what it would be like to sit and have dinner with Cortez's family and her grandfather.

She liked to imagine it, strangely enough.

What a big family we'd make. Sophie muttered in her head.

Since she was sleepy and had learned little practice in mind linking, that internal thought went straight to Cortez. He could tell she didn't mean to say that to him so he didn't say anything back. He simply tucked her stray thought away for himself.

"I don't want to stress you out," Cortez spoke up again, Sophie's eye popping open in response. "So I told them not to get their hopes up until Henry has recovered."

"I hope they're not upset." Sophie settled again.

"They're definitely not. My mother is obsessed with you. You could probably do no wrong in her eyes."

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