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In the middle of nowhere, the sun shining brightly and the wind nearly nonexistent, a long yellow bus stops in front of the only house in sight. Through the windows of the bus, a short girl with even shorter brunette hair make her way to the front. She thanks her bus driver as she skips down the steps and hops on to the dirty road below her. Some dust from the buses slow stop blows into her face but she simply waves her hand in the air and walks across the street to escape it.

The doors of the school bus shut and the vehicle slowly takes off down the road, kicking up even more dust that floats lazily through the air. Sophie takes her keys out of the side pocket of her backpack as she trudges up the driveway to the little white house at the other end. She unlocks the door and steps inside, loudly announcing her presence as she shuts the door behind her.

In a matter of seconds, Daisy, her old golden retriever is in front of her and wildly wagging her tail. Sophie kneels down and let's Daisy lick her face as she pets her soft fur. When Daisy has finally calmed down, Sophie gets up again and peaks into the living room on her left and kitchen to her right. She doesn't see or hear the only other person who lived in the house.

He must be reading. She thought.

Sophie starts up the staircase, the white painted wood creaks under her steps and the railing slightly wobbles. It's an old house so, there's no helping it. Daisy follows close beside her as she walks to the room on her left and softly knocks on the door. With the door slightly cracked open, Daisy took it upon herself to shove it open with her nose. Sophie peaked inside to see her grandfather plucking his glasses off his nose and sitting upright in his chair.

"You're back, darlin'?" The old man smiles as he takes in the young girl's presence. He set his book down on the small table beside him as he relaxed again.

"Yes, Chief." Sophie smiles back and steps into her grandfathers room.

She loved the smell of his room. It smelt like hay, old wood, and aloe lotion. A strange combination that made her feel at home.

Sophie shuffled her bag off her shoulders and let it hit the floor. With so many books, she couldn't stop it from making such a loud thud. Daisy was quick to shove her head inside and sniff around, causing both Sophie and her grandfather to chuckle. Sophie pushed the dog away and pulled out a thick book to hand to her grandfather.

"Blessed By The Wind. It's about a woman who returns home from her life in the city and has to readjust to her life at the family farm again. She also meets an old lover and some old enemies. The librarian said it was a classic." Sophie said, gesturing the book towards her grandfather, who received it with shaky hands. "You have three weeks."

"Well, thank you, darlin'. I always do enjoy the books you bring home. I reckon I'll be done with it before it's due, just like the others." Henry happily grinned.

Sophie was always happy to give her grandfather new books from her school library. He didn't get out much since he was so old. He couldn't even drive anymore. Since he was always cooped up in this old house in the middle of nowhere, Sophie liked to give him little gifts like books or art supplies to keep him busy. She was happy when he was happy and books made him very happy.

"Have you eaten? Shall I prepare lunch?" Sophie asked as she gathered her heavy backpack.

"That would be absolutely wonderful, darlin'. I was thinking about grilled cheese and tomato soup for about two hours now." Henry said.

"Perfect. I'll get right on it." Sophie said as she made her way out of his room. She patted her leg as she went to close the door behind her. "Come on, Daisy. I bet you have to go potty outside."

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