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"You have no idea what the fuck you're doing. The speech sounds fucking terrible." Miguel snorted a laugh as he crossed his arms over his chest, his legs spread for maximum comfort.

Maria smacked Miguel's leg and shot him a warning glare as he winced. She turned to Cortez and flashed him a warm smile. "It doesn't sound terrible, Cortez. I just don't think a speech is the way to go."

Cortez dropped his hands to his sides, the two pages he had written rustling in his hand as he did so. He slouched into his desk chair with a groan. "Then what am I suppose to do? I can't say everything I need to without it written down or I'll forget."

"Just tell him you're a werewolf and you turned his granddaughter into a werewolf so she is destined to be your captive for the rest of her unfortunate life." Miguel continuously teased with a proud grin on his face.

Again, for the hundredth time since she arrived, Maria landed a hard slap on his leg. "Stop it, Miguel! You're going to have a mate someday too and if you have the same luck as your brother, you'll have to go through something like this. Might as well learn now."

"I doubt my mate will be human." Miguel rolled his eyes. "Cortez is lucky to be an Alpha so all his luck ran out before he found his mate. I, for one, an unlucky every single day. My luck will arrive in the shape of my mate."

"Cortez is not lucky to be an Alpha. That is his birth right as our first born. He was born with the blood of an Alpha." Antonio chimed in lowly. He was a man of few words so when he spoke, everyone listened.

"Doesn't really matter," Miguel shifted his attention to Cortez as his older brother read through his speech once more. "You still struck out with that one."

Cortez's eyes glowed a bright gold at his younger brothers words. He knew his brother was just being annoying and spiteful like he always was, but he didn't like anyone badmouthing his mate. Lee had done the same thing and led Sophie to getting kidnapped and bitten. Although, there was no way something like that would happen with his brother.

Miguel wasn't evil, just an obnoxious younger sibling trying to get under Cortez's skin like he had since he was born.

"Shut up, Miguel." Cortez spat. He slapped his speech down on his desk and looked to his parents. "What do you think I should do? Tell him we're werewolves? I don't know him all that well but he's not exactly discreet with his feelings. And he's old. What if he outs us to a nurse because he's so old, he forgot it was a secret?"

Maria tapped her nails against her crossed leg as she took a moment to think. "Maybe we should talk to him. Maybe he'll understand if we explain everything ourselves."

"You want to tell him we're supernatural creatures?" Cortez cocked an eyebrow, surprised his mother would volunteer for that.

"No! I wouldn't tell him that and I'd advice you not to either." Maria turned to her husband. "I just feel like maybe he'd feel better talking to fellow parents."

"Yeah, otherwise, anything you say will sound like you're trying to ask for her hand in marriage. Your speech already sounds like shitty wedding vows." Miguel butted in.

Cortez rolled his eyes. "I basically am asking for her hand in marriage. She's going to be mine forever, I might as well tell him that so he understands the level of importance this is."

"If he's not okay with his young granddaughter dating an older male, I doubt he'll let her get married to one, honey." Maria frowned.

Cortez groaned in frustrated and threw himself back against his desk chair. Maria continued to brainstorm some things for Cortez to say to Henry but every time she did, she kept offering to do it herself. Cortez, though, insisted that he should be the one to talk to Henry. He had met the man before and respect seemed like a big deal to him. Cortez figures it would be best to speak to the old man himself.

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