Chapter 24

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“You need to go to school today, Kadence.” My mom says behind me as I lay in the fetal position with my back facing her.

I stay silent as I stare at my bathroom with a blank stare. I don’t want to move or speak. She’s done everything to me possible to make me die right now. I don’t even want to see her face.

She’s had a girlfriend, but yet she forbids me from seeing mine? She’s been in love with a girl before, but I’m not allowed to be in love with one? Wow, my grandparents must’ve messed her up bad with all of their religion, discrimination, and bull-shit bad. If only she would stop following in their footsteps she would see that this is killing me inside like it was killing her when she had to break up with her girlfriend.

‘Leave me alone!’ I wanted to scream at her, but I couldn’t feel the strength to do that.

“You’re going to have to go to school sometime.” She says and leaves my room slamming the door behind her.

I continue to stare at my bathroom barely blinking. How could I go to school when I’ve been up all night crying my eyes out? I haven’t moved from my bed since early Sunday morning unless I had to use the bathroom, or ate something small. I might as well emotionally eat since I won’t be doing anything active. Maybe then I’ll gain back weight.

Around 9 o’clock my mom had came back into my room to tell me that Michael went to school and that she called the school telling them I was sick. She also told me that my dad should be stopping by to check on me since he’s always had a spare key to our house just in case something bad happened.

She tried telling me she loved me, but of course I didn’t reply to anything she said. She gave up and sighed leaving my room.

You can’t destroy someone mentally and emotionally and expect them to be okay. That’s how she’s treating this situation. The way she’s acting just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m literally re-living her past. She got a tattoo, had a girlfriend, basically she was rebellious and her parents dis-approved.

That doesn’t give her the right as a parent to do the same when she’s experienced what I’m experiencing right now. She experienced this at a younger age than mine. Of course she’s messed up from that traumatic experience.

But I can’t accept that as an excuse, not right now at least.


I feel someone shaking my body gently waking me up from sleeping. It’s the first time I’ve slept for more than 2 hours.

I flutter my eyes a bit, and yawn as I see my dad crouched down next to me at the side of my bed. He gives me a tiny smile, but I break down crying out of nowhere. He pulls my small, fragile body into his big, muscular arms lifting me off of the bed, and just holds me like he’ll never let me die.

“Shh, it’s okay sweetheart.” He whispers and rubs my hair and back. He sets me on my feet, and I plant my head into his chest crying.

“Come on now, you can’t be crying. Things will get better. You’re destroying yourself by crying and not eating. I don’t want to see my beautiful and only daughter crying.”

“No, mom is destroying me! She’s a bitch!” I yell against his chest, so my voice makes a muffled sound.

“We both know she can have a bitchy side, but she’s not a bitch.”

I want to laugh at my dad’s comment, because I know he’s picking on her, and I think it’s cute, but I can’t even laugh.

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