Chapter 14

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“Did you have trouble getting in the shower today?” Aiden asks while we do our class-work in Government & History.

            This has been the 4th day of wearing the stupid knee brace, and I have gotten used to it, but it’s hard to get in and out of the shower sometimes. One time I slipped, but I grabbed onto this rail my mom had installed in the shower, because of my knee, which I was very thankful for.

            “Not today thank goodness.”

            I turn my head looking at her and give her a smile with my nose scrunched up. She laughs at my cuteness, and tries to focus on her class-work, but I continue to do cute and funny things.

            “Kadence.” Mr. Dawson says my name from his desk. He rarely gets up from that desk.

            I quickly turn my head from Aiden’s attention to his. “Yes, sir?” I say in a nice tone.

            “Do your class-work.” He demands and stares at my desk. I lean up in my chair and stare at my class-work as Aiden laughs underneath her breath. I slap her arm when Mr. Dawson puts his head down.

            “Ow!” She yelps a little too loud.

            I look straight down at my papers as Mr. Dawson raises his head up. I try not to laugh so I lean my head down more towards the desk to hide my face.

            “What happened?” He asks Aiden.

            “Paper cut…” She lies straight-forwardly to his face. I bite my lip preventing myself from laughing.

            “Kadence, are you alright?” He asks me.

            I nod my head still staring at the desk, and I lean my head up a little more.

            “Get to work, ladies.”

            I let out a deep breath and look at Aiden. She starts making faces that make me giggle quietly as others begin to talk some. I’m a very serious person when it comes to academics, but she’s making me happy right now that I don’t feel like doing class-work. I doubt that paying more attention to her than academics has decreased my grades.

            “D?!” I question Mr. Dawson loudly as students exit the room. He just handed out our midterms which are in the middle of the six weeks grade average. I grip my paper tightly and he stares at my hand gripping it hard. His eyes turn to me.

            “I’m sorry, Miss Emerson, but you haven’t been doing very well lately and I don’t understand.” He leans back in his seat interlocking his fingers as they lay on his stomach. “There’s nothing I can do. You need to bring it up on your own.”

            “I’ve never had a D in my life.”

            He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s not my fault. You are an overachieving student, and something these couple of weeks has lost your focus or something.”

            “Am I able to pull up my grade to an A before this six weeks end? Before report cards come out?” I ask hoping to God that there is a possibility.

            He lets out a hesitant breath and leans up in his chair. He stares at his computer, which has the grade book pulled up. “You might get an A. That’s all I can tell you right now.”

            I fold up my paper and throw it in the trash can heading for the door.

            “You’ll need that signed by a parent!” He calls out. I close my eyes and clench my fists. I let out a breath and walk back fast to the trash can. I grab it out and stare at Mr. Dawson. “Have a nice day.” I say and storm out of the room with a piece of paper that my mom will surely question me about.

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