Chapter 16

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NOTE:---------> That's the song Kadence listens to when she can't sleep. I love Christina Aguilera.


“Ha, my score is 158, and yours is 100.” Frank says to my mom cockily. She giggles, and Aiden and I look at each other like ‘what the hell?’.

            I cross my leg over the other while Aiden holds her bowling ball staring at my mom and her boyfriend. She looks at me with the ball up towards her chest, and gives me another look. I shrug my shoulders, and motion her to bowl her ball. She turns around and goes in front of the line then bowls the ball. I lean my body to the side so I can see in front of her, and I watch as the ball goes straight down the middle and it starts to curve towards the side.

            “No!” She says sad, and turns around looking at me with a pouting lip when the ball goes in the gutter.

            “Aww, are you upset?” I giggle, and stand up getting my blue bowling ball from the rack.

            “I can’t get a strike. I barely hit any pins!” She walks to the little step down, and I grab her wrist before she steps down off the small platform. I walk her with me to the lane, and I let go of her wrist as I stand in front of the line.

            “Try bowling the ball like this.” I say.

            I crouch down in a normal bowler’s position, and lift the bowling ball towards my face. I move one of my hands off the ball, and swing it back as I move forward and I let go of the ball making it roll down the lane fast. I lean my body up and kind of move it with the ball whichever way it goes, but it pretty much stays in the middle. I smile when I hear all the pins get knocked down, because I got a strike. I turn around looking at Aiden and smirk. “Strike.” I say.

            “Fine, I’ll try it.” She says and makes her way to the rack. She lifts up her ball, and I sit down. She gets in the position that I got in, but it looks a like awkward to me and I put my hand over my mouth smiling behind my hand but trying not to laugh.

            Normal lighting goes off and changes into glowing lanes, rooms, floors, etc. and music turns on. Aiden drops her ball frightened by what happened out of nowhere. I cringe when the ball hits the floor and so does she. She looks back at me, and takes a frustrated breath while she picks up her ball. I start laughing at her, and she sticks her tongue out at me turning her back around to the lane. She gets in the position again and doing the same thing I did. The ball rolls down the lane fast, and heads straight for the middle. I watch as she clenches her fists getting excited, and her excitement can now be expressed, because she got a strike. She jumps, and turns around coming to me fast. “I got a strike for the first time!” She says excitedly. I smile.

            “Good job!” I say excited for her.


            “I had a lot of fun bowling for the first time.” Aiden says while we walk upstairs heading towards my room.

            “It was fun, because I was there.” I say jokingly and laugh with her at my joke.

            “That was the main reason it was fun.”

            I open my door, and turn the light switch to a dim lighting and I shut the door behind her when she gets in, and lock it. She turns around staring at me as soon as she hears the door lock. She raises her eyebrow in suspicion and walks over to me slowly. I look around acting innocent, but she embraces me into her arms and makes-out with me right away. I smile a bit as I kiss her and close my eyes. I hear a knock on my door, and I pull away.

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