Chapter 13

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NOTE:-------> Kadence's knee brace, the protective knee cap part will soon be taken off, but she'll have to wear the brace still.


Not being able to carry my own books, drive my car, play basketball, and more has been killing me for 2 weeks. I know I’ve gained some weight, because I can’t do anything anymore. I feel so helpless. It’s all because that stupid girl let the anger grow fond of her. Both my mom and dad didn’t like that and talked to her parents about it. They told me that the girl started to break down and cry about it. I wish I only saw it with my own eyes.

            But now I’m here at the hospital getting physical therapy to know how to walk the right way, how to do a lot of things that involve my knee.

            “Okay, Kadence, this is your knee brace.” The physical therapist says holding the knee brace. She puts it on me securely and I begin to feel weird having it on me. I put my foot down on the ground. “Looks complicated.” I joke around. She laughs at my joke.

            “What I need you to do is I need you to gently rotate your leg in circles, but very slowly.”

            I move my left leg in circles slowly and I swallow hard as my knee hurts a little.

            “Now move your leg forward and backwards.”

            I try moving my leg forward and backwards, but it feels weird to do so I stop. She looks at me. “What’s going on?” She asks.

            “It just feels weird.” I say.

            “It will for a little while.” She says and places her hands under my calf. She moves it forward and backwards slowly making sure she doesn’t hurt me. I cringe to the weird feeling of my knee. I let her do that for a little bit until I get use to it.

            “Okay, now try to stand up. You might feel weird, because you haven't stood up in 2 weeks.”

            I grab onto a railing that’s attached to the wall next to my chair, and I stand up slowly placing my foot firmly onto the ground. I hold onto the railing.

            “Do you think you could try walking for me?” She asks.

            I nod my head and let go of the railing. I take a small step forward starting to walk towards the other end of the room. I feel my knee doing weird things as I walk. “Oh, Jesus.” I say quietly letting out a small breath.

            “You’re doing great, Kadence.”

            I feel like a little baby learning how to walk for the first time. It doesn’t feel right to me, but it’s better than being stuck in a cast 24/7 that ends up stinking too.

            “This feels really weird.” I say.

            “It will. Before you turn around make sure you don’t put a lot of pressure on your knee, okay?”

            I nod my head and start to turn around. I place my foot firmly on the ground again, I start to feel my knee give out so I grab onto the railing leaning against it.

            “Are you okay?” She says running up to me. She places one of her hands on my back and the other on my arm.

            “Yes. I just have to get use to this.”

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