Chapter 12

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NOTE:---------> That is the biology room, except minus the desks in the background, and the teachers desk is placed in front of the front rows with three tables.


“If none of you all want to answer this question it’s okay, but raise your hand if you are a religious person; you have some kind of religion you believe in.” Mr. Harmon, my biology teacher, rises from his seat and walks to the front of his desk sitting against the edge of it and crosses his arms.

            I and the majority of the class raise their hands in the air while others look around at us.

            “Okay, put your hands down-“

            We all do what he says and put our hands down.

            “Now, how many of you remember learning about Evolution in maybe 7th or 6th grade?”

            Almost everyone raises their hands up in the air, and after Mr. Harmon gets a good look at all of the people who raised their hands we set our hands back own. I look at Aiden sitting a couple of seats in front of me in the next row beside of some girl that never talks. I roll my eyes at the fact that she’s chewing on the end of her pen where the cap is. I don’t think I wanna know what that girl is thinking about.

            “And one last question: How many of you all think its okay to teach Evolution in schools?”

            I raise my hand and a few others do, but it’s less than the people that raised their hand up to the question if they were religious. Mr. Harmon looks at me since I was the first one to raise my hand. He leans off of his desk and stands in front of the first row that has three tables.

            “Why do you think its okay to teach Evolution in school, Miss Emerson?” He asks staring directly at me. The whole class turns their attention to me and I clear my throat getting ready to speak.

            “Oh man, Mr. Harmon. Put me on the spot why don’t you.” I smile joking around. The rest of the class adds a light laughter to the silenced room.

            “Well, scientifically, it has been said that we evolved from monkeys. Everyone’s religion is different in this classroom, but just like there are many, many religions in the world, why not have another belief such as evolving from monkeys? For example,-“ I put my hand out next to Hannah’s boyfriend Tanner who is sitting beside me. “Tanner’s religion is Christianity and mine is Catholicism-“ I say pointing back to myself. I set my hand town and continue. “Evolution is the diversity of life and it makes up biology, so it should be taught.” I finish my reason of why I think evolution should be taught in schools.

            Mr. Harmon nods his head slowly. “That was a very good point, Kadence. Thank you for sharing that information with us. Alright class, pull out your notebook, we’re going to take notes on Evolution.”


            “I have a smart girlfriend.” Aiden randomly says while I get my books out of my locker for my next class. I smile as I shake my head. I shut my locker and walk with her to our math class Calculus.

            “You’re just saying that.” I nudge at her arm making her stumble to the side a bit. She looks back and says “sorry” to someone. I giggle.

            “I am not.”

            I walk up the stairs with her and try to look back at her so I can talk to her properly, but the thing I was afraid of happens; I accidently trip up the stairs. I bite my lip as soon as I hit my bad knee. I feel my face turn burning red and I quickly gather myself up. I walk up the stairs quickly holding my books close to my chest.

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