22 // "Mate, What The Hell Is Going On?"

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Blessing's eyes fly open and she finds herself standing naked in a dark room. Suddenly, a light appears from overhead and she finds herself in a dark mirrored room. Gazing back at her isn't that of her own body, but of Nathan's and she sighs heavily glowering into the green eyes. Gazing around, Blessing is unable to place any measurements on the dark room so she places one foot in front of the other however, the image in front of her only becomes smaller.

Confused, Blessing turns direction and begins walking towards the reflection which becomes smaller. The reflections alongside side her follow her in the direction she's going in. The heart inside of her chest begins beating hard and loud and she can hear the blood rushing in the ears. The steps become quicker and quicker until Blessing begins breaking into a run. Running where, she's not too sure but Blessing continues running until the legs begin to shake, the heart begins to hurt and the throat begins to burn.

Placing the hands on the knees, Blessing inhales and exhales still gazing into Nathan's green eyes and begins to wonder where she is. What she's doing here? The light begins to brighten and it continues so until Blessing has to shield her eyes with the hand. It continues brightening and Blessing begins to groan as she feels the light singing the skin. Screeching, Blessing crumples to the floor whilst the eyes are shut tight to shield them from the light.

The burning sensation finally stops and when the eyes open, Blessing finds herself in Nathan's bed sweating profusely. Fumbling for his phone in the darkness, Blessing rings Nathan who answers alert and anxious,

"I think I'm hallucinating badly," Blessing whispers harshly kicking back the covers,

"Mate what the hell is going on with us! I mean-," Nathan pauses and begins explaining being in the mirrored room and the bright burning light, "did you hear the voices and see the faces?" He whispers frightened down the phone. Blessing shakes the head and asks him to explain,

"They were muffled and I couldn't understand them. There were these dark slender man shadows I kept seeing in the mirror. I thought I we going to fucking kill myself," Nathan explains his voice shaking,

"Don't say you'll kill yourself Nathan it's not cool but I get that you're scared. I didn't hear any voices or see anything," Blessing explains and she can feel Nathan roll the eyes at her comment,

"There's something seriously wrong with me," Nathan whispers down the phone petrified. Curled up in a corner, Nathan's eyes penetrate through the darkness and he doesn't see anything but he can feel a presence. He knows there's something in the room watching him. There's been something in the room for quite sometime but he's been to petrified to say anything.

Blessing continues talking to him down the phone but he's no longer listening. He's now shaking and the breathes become more laboured and staggered and he struggles to compose himself for the next 20 minutes. There's a heavy weight on his chest and he unfurls from the ball and lies on the floor, trying to compose himself. All the while he can feel the dark presence watching him and he feels like he's 10 years old again.

Waiting for whatever monstrous entity to emerge from the shadows and swallow him up. He's seen these shadows before and the doctor told him that he wouldn't have to worry about them anymore. That'd he'd be fine again but he doesn't feel so,

"Blessing, I think I'm getting sick again."

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