8 // "You're Such A 60s Hippie Feminist Weirdo Man"

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It's dawned on both Nathan and Blessing that they may be stuck in each other's body for quite some time. Nathan hears his name flying around campus and even hears some of the students on Blessing's course talking about him with equal excitement and disgust. His anger has dulled down a bit but he's still mildly surprised that Blessing went as far as to go back to back with the various five girls throughout that night who, he apparently knows. Not to mention how Blessing behaved like a dickhead to all five girls after the sexual encounters. Everyone knows Nathan is a douche lord but he would've enjoyed being a douche lord in his own body.

On the other hand, Blessing is becoming extremely self-conscious with everyone's curious eyes and probing tongues. Now she's wondering whether her sexual activity is even worth it but she swiftly reminds herself that Nathan is a dick and needs to be put into her place. What a better way to get revenge than when she's already in the idiot's body.

Blessing is power walking quickly to the flat to get away from the invisible eyes following her around and when she gets into the block she finds her small, gorgeous, little body gazing angrily up at her, with her arms folded across her chest,

"How are you today?" Nathan asks with venom laced in his voice. A warm feeling swirls in the stomach as Blessing hears her high sweet voice despite its acidic tone and she feels pang of yearning and longing,

"I'm perfectly fine thank you very much," Blessing replies in a sarcastic tone, folding the arms across the chest. They gaze at one another through each other's eyes, sizing the other up before Nathan opens the mouth,

"How's the research on this body swap business?" Blessing shrugs the shoulders; the last thing she wants to let him know is that she has been researching and thinks she may have hit the nail on the head,

"Well, I've been doing some work unlike someone," Nathan states, looking at himself through Blessing's eyes. Blessing ignores the sour look given to her and simply states that she has actually been doing some work,

"I've found out some information myself," Blessing states haughtily dropping the arms to the sides. Nodding the head in encouragement, Nathan shifts the weight from one leg to the other and waits for Blessing to open her mouth,

"It's a lot to do with spiritualism and about understanding-," Blessing begins but Nathan groans and begins rubbing the eyes in frustration,

"You're such a 60s hippie feminist weirdo man. Why are you always on about that crap?" Nathan paces in a circle before resting the forehead on the wall. Sighing in frustration, Blessing asks what Nathan has got in mind,

"It's a ritual voodoo sort of thing and we need about three locks of hair, a toe nail-," it's Blessing's time to groan and roll her eyes,

"And how is your suggestion better than mine?" Blessing asks throwing the arms in the air, "you want me to participate in pagan stupidity?" She continues pacing up and down. Now they are yelling at one another. Again Nathan can't help but watch how his muscles flex beneath Blessing's anger and frustration,

"Are you checking you out?" Blessing shrieks stamping the foot onto the ground. The heat rises on the neck when Nathan burst out laughing raucously and Blessing is left standing there astounded and embarrassed,

"I am so sexy when I'm angry!" Nathan chuckles clapping the hands before biting down on the bottom lip. Turning on the heel, Nathan twirls around and begins waltzing confidently down the hallway to the flat,

"I'll message you the details of the ritual. Apparently it's very effective," Nathan yells back flicking the hair. Baffled, Blessing remains rooted to the spot speculating whether Nathan is being serious. Unfortunately, her gut tells her he is, "oh when they were talking about the hair, they are talking about real hair," Nathan continues. Opening the flat door, Nathan grabs a lock of the hair and gazes at it whimsically before looking at his own perplexed face,

"I'll get Lana to help me," with that, Nathan slams the door in his own face and hears with satisfaction as Blessing slams on the door. Blessing's crazy weird roommates poke their heads out of their rooms wondering what all the commotion is,

"Lana," Nathan sings her name, "can you come help me with my hair and also-," Nathan pauses for dramatic effect, "bring some scissors."

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