3 // "Okay Nathan, you care about black people, a lot"

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Much to her devastation, Blessing is gazing at herself through Nathan's eyes. She'd thought if she took a nap halfway through the day then she'd magically return to her body but alas that has not happened. Likewise, Nathan is standing with arms crossed glowering at Blessing but he can't complain too much since his room doesn't seem to be in disrepair,

"Have you got the goods?" Nathan asks tilting his chin upwards in a haughty manner. Nodding her head, Blessing grabs a couple of papers from the desk and presents them to Nathan who's mouth falls open,

"Is that all you've written?" Nathan drops his arms to the side. Shaking his head, he produces much thicker papers taking back Blessing. Rolling his eyes, Nathan and Blessing exchange notes, Nathan rather impatiently flicks through the three pages confused,

"You expect me to be you with these shitty notes?" He says exasperated, waving the notes up at Blessing. Shrugging the shoulders, Blessing flicks through Nathan's notes rather impressed yet again at how much effort he's gone to make sure everything has gone right. He really must care about his image and reputation Blessing thinks wistfully,

"You'll find that most of those notes involve watching YouTube videos and educating yourself. You'll find some guidance on how to navigate my intellectually and brightly crafted brain," Blessing explains in a saccharine tone before flashing Nathan a sarcastic smile. Sighing heavily, Nathan folds up the notes and places them in the back pocket of his shorts,

"You'll find the passwords to my accounts on there as well but please don't do anything stupid which I'm sure you'll find hard to do," Nathan says folding his arms across his chest. Rolling her eyes once more, Blessing waves Nathan goodbye and shuts the door realising that her reality now is to try and be Nathan. It's nearly 12am and she's not in the least bit tired so decides that now is the best time to digest Nathan's notes.

On the other hand, Nathan flies in a rapid rage back to the other flat, absolutely appalled at Blessing's futile efforts and lack of awareness. Did she not understand how urgent it was for both of them, especially him, to return to their rightful bodies and resume their lives? No, this must be some sort of curse, Nathan thinks to himself. He's been researching everything extensively and can only find that as a plausible explanation. Just as Nathan is about to reach Blessing's room, Lana pops her head out of her bedroom startling him,

"Hey, I was wondering if we could talk?" Lana asks timidly stepping out of her room,

"About what?" Nathan huffs irritated, his enclosed firmly around the door handle. As far as he's concerned, he needs to maintain minimal contact with these strange inhabitants,

"It's just about Sam," she continues, her voice surprisingly quiet compared to her loud gregarious one from earlier in the morning,

"My sam? -I mean Nathan's Sam?" Nathan asks furrowing his brows. Sam has not mentioned Lana since the first semester and he's confused as to why she's even asking about so far down the line,

"It's just, he's messaged me saying he wants to meet up with me and I don't know why. I'm so scared Bless, I mean every time I think I'm moving forward he pops up and makes everything bad again-," Lana begins but Nathan blows out a sigh and rolls his eyes,

"Can we please do this another day? I just have an assignment I have to read through," Blessing indicates to the papers shoved in his back pocket,

"Blessing I'm petrified-," Lana expresses, her face surprised and upset. Opening the door, Nathan opens the door and mumbles to Lana that they will talk tomorrow in the morning. Locking the door, Nathan goes over to the desk and sits on the chair and begins reading the first page which is of course a list of YouTube videos to watch. He groans inwardly when he sees the words Feminism jump out of him and resolves to look at those lastly and opts to look at the Buzz Feed videos which sound more interesting first.

Typing in the link, Nathan clicks on the video which explains what "cultural appropriation" is but he quickly tires of it and skips onto the next videos which seem quite luck lustre. He has no interest in learning new in depth topics, especially at this time of the night and decides maybe it's best if he just reads about Blessing's weirdo friends. Maybe he'll learn to be more comfortable ignoring them.

However, soon Nathan realises that Lana's description seems rather short and abrupt compared to the other's description peaking his curiosity. All that's written is how Sam is an arsehole and bastard. Sam and him had only met at the beginning of university and Nathan knew him to be the kindest, caring black cuddly bear. Anger rises in his throat at the vile words being used against his own best friend and Nathan vows to beat questions out of Blessing for this sordid description of Sam. Maybe he should go talk to Lana after all?

Shuffling the papers together and neatly, Nathan unlocks Blessing's phone with her touch ID code and scrolls aimlessly through her messages which seem rather boring and shallow. This surprises him considering the type of videos she wants him to watch and the course she's undertaking. He can't help but feel that Blessing is fake and a phoney who cares about what other people think of her. Regardless, he was in her shoes now, literally, and he had perform until they could find a cure for this curse, not to mention he wants to be sleeping in his own bed again, surrounded by his own friends.

With renewed determination, Nathan brushes roughly Blessing's long black weaves before tying it up out of the face, flexes the arms and the neck before reading the first thing Blessing has written,

"Okay Nathan, you care about black people, a lot," he clicks on the VOX link explaining the Black Lives Matter, leans back in the chair and places the hands at the back of the head.

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