10 // "What If I Have Been Abducted By Aliens?"

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Blessing is not too sure what is going but she feels a tightness in the chest and a sense of fear gathering around her. The tightness becomes worse as her fear and anxiety grow and she tries to move her muscles however they chained down by a heavy drowsiness. Again, she attempts to move the body however, she only frustrates herself when she realises that she still cannot move the body. That's when she gets the vague feeling that this body feels familiar. So badly she wants to open her eyes and relieve herself from the darkness and tightness clasping her limbs but again she cannot move.

When she realises that she is trapped in this everlasting darkness and claustrophobia, the panic builds within Blessing threatening to erupt from her core. Abruptly, a seemingly bright light filters through the eyelids and the only thoughts swimming nauseatingly through Blessing's mind are that she is going to get hurt. She used to have intense surreal dreams when she was younger however, she believed that it was all over, most especially since she hadn't had one since she was 17.

The dreams were always the same, while the darkness and fear swam around her in a casual manner, the fear and anxiety grew with each second and she knew what this bright light meant. It meant pain. Blessing's breathing becomes laboured and she struggles to free herself from the iron grip the dream has on her. Just as she's about to try and open her mouth, there's a sharp hot rod that goes along her spine but her mouth remains clamped shut. The hot sharp continues in intervals every few minutes. This is followed briefly by high pitched shrieking which last a couple of seconds at best.

Unexpectedly, the darkness and fear lift and Blessing feels herself moving the fingers and toenails as she tries to wake herself from such a distressing nightmare. The eyes fly open and Blessing is met with darkness and a panic grips her throat as she wonders if she's still stuck in the awful nightmare. Her eyes however adjust to the darkness and she realises that she's in Nathan's bedroom. Relief overcomes her body and she sinks back into the sweat soaked sheets.

Calming herself down, she kicks back the covers and swings the legs over and sits on the edge of the bed, the elbows on the knees and the chin in the palm of the hand. Blowing out a shaky sigh, Blessing wonders whether she should go and speak to counsellor on campus but the idea is quickly dispelled. Gazing around the room, Blessing finds Nathan's Quran haphazardly shoved in between the rest of his biology books.

Creaking upwards, Blessing removes the Quran from the large pile of books, dusts the soft velvet cover off and stretches the arms and places it open-faced on the high pedestal Nathan built to place it on. Feeling pleased with herself, Blessing gazes at the Quran before returning to the bed which is now becoming cold as the sweat dries into the sheets.

As much as she wants to sleep, Blessing knows that her mind won't allow it. Every time she begins falling into a slumber, she awakens out of it in a mad panic, afraid of the darkness and the pain. Blessing concludes that the stress of being in Nathan's body is now causing the nightmares. This gives her even greater cause to return to her body. To normality regardless of whether her plan for revenge is beginning to take off.

To ease her mind, Blessing opens Nathan's laptop and begins researching intense nightmares and finds comfort in the fact that other people are in similar situations. When younger, she was certain that she was suffering from Nightmare Sleep Disorder but her mother dismissed that idea stating that Blessing would grow out of the nightmares like any normal child. She wasn't convinced until after the nightmares stopped. After she turned 17. After she got close to Nathan.

Her curiosity spikes when she finds a rather interesting forum, "Abducted by Aliens". Darting her eyes left and right in suspicion, Blessing clicks on the page which takes her to a reddit page and she rolls the eyes. Of course, something as ludicrous as aliens would appear on reddit. Nevertheless, Blessing continues scrolling through to fill time and she reads with much amusement about various people having intense nightmares, hearing voices and seeing aliens.

After two hours, exhaustion smashes through Nathan's body and Blessing crawls back into his bed and slams onto the pillow hoping the nightmares will be at bay. As she closes the eyes a thought flits through Blessing's thought,

"What if I have been abducted by aliens?"

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