1 // "Please, Don't Leave Me With Your Weirdo Friends"

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Tom is startled awake by faint screaming coming from down the hallway and he groggily kicks his covers back and throws his legs over the bed. The screaming continues and he hears other doors being opened in the flat and his phone pings twice from the group chat. Rolling his eyes, Tom opens his door knowing that the girls are being over dramatic as per. Being the only boy in the flat of 4 other girls really put things into perspective for him. The girls not only exceeded his expectations but also met them. One of the expectations met was dramatisation and exaggeration at gold medal level.

Hannah, Lana and Amelia stand knocking on the door of Blessing's rooms wondering why there is such fervent screaming, especially this early in the morning. Rubbing his eyes, Tom clears his vision and pushes Amelia out of the way before knocking on Blessing's door,

"Aye, Bless is everything okay in there?" he asks stifling a yawn,

"Like we haven't asked that question 50 fucking thousand times!" Amelia says throwing her arms in the air dramatically. Sagging his shoulders, Tom simply gazes at Amelia who's brown auburn hair is a tangled bush on her head, takes in the bags beneath her eyes and notes that she needs to put some concealer on.

Tom is about to knock once more but Nathan wrenches the door open, a manic look glistens from his eyes as he darts them over the students standing in front of her door. Nathan's face contorts into anger and disgust before he begins screeching. Manically, Nathan jumps up and down as he claws manically at his skin wondering how he's got there. In his frenzied fight against this foreign body, Nathan knocks his head hard against the wooden shelf and slams onto the fall dramatically.

All of Blessing's flatmates gaze down at him unsure of whether they should help him or leave him. Blessing was one of the more eccentric one of the flat but they'd never witnessed anything quite like this scene Nathan was producing.

Groaning on the floor, Nathan props himself up onto his elbows and gazes around his room despondently, wondering if he knocks himself out will he return to his rightful body. Breathing heavily, Nathan stands up and looks at Blessing's flatmates before yelling again. Rolling his eyes, Tom barges past the girls and wraps his arms around Blessing's shoulders and hoists him up into the air where he continues to kick and flail,

"Put me down you weirdo!" Nathan calls out but his efforts are futile when he gathers how weak and small Blessing's body is,

"Are you calm now?" Tom asks jigging Nathan up and down like a ragged doll. Nathan drops Blessing's arms and shoulders before nodding his head. Tom places him down on the floor but before he can say anything, Nathan bolts out of the room, past the girls and wrenches open the front door but screams when he finds his own tall muscular body standing in front of him.

Blessing gingerly enters her own flat and gazes down at her small curvy body and wonders panicked how this has all happened. They gaze simultaneously at one another and once or twice Nathan reaches out to touch his own face but Blessing recoils from his hands,

"I'm black!" Nathan screams but the voice that erupts from his throat is a high shrill screech,

"I'm white!" Blessing screams but she brings her hands to her throat, mortified at the deep resounding voice that escapes. Nathan and Blessing look at one another in shock and awe, unsure of how to comprehend the situation,

"Damn, I am so good looking," Nathan states haughtily, admiring himself through Blessing's eyes,

"Of all things to say you say that!" Blessing yells and she startles herself with how loud her own voice is. Blessing spots her flat mates standing behind Nathan and she breathes a sigh of relief at the familiar faces she's grown used to. Before she can open her mouth, Amelia screams for her to get out and she stands there with her outstretched arms confused,

"Get out you dick head, you're not welcome in this flat!" Amelia continues as she shoves and pushes Blessing out of the flat. The flat door slams in her face and Blessing pounds the door but no-one answers. Nathan himself has been bundled into Tom's strong arms and he begins flailing Blessing's arms and legs. Just as the door closes, Nathan shrieks without much impact,

"Please don't leave me with your weirdo friends!"

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