Chapter 10: Does he know

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Thankyou everyone for the get well wishes! It was amazing that all of you guys cared :) to be honest, I was actually crying lol. You guys are SOOO nice :) thankyou everyone! I truly love all of you guys!! :)

I'm babysitting right now. Help!!! lol :)



"Avery!" Jake screamed and ran down towards me.

Once he got to me, he picked me up and spinned me around. "'" I got out.

He put me down. "Oh right. Sorry."

"Wait." David called running towards us.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you say Luna?" He asked horrified.

"Ya. Why?" I asked.

"Uh, why did you say that?" Jake asked.

"That's what I'm called with your kind." I laughed.

"Uh Avery. We're all humans. I just called these guys because I couldn't find you too and I didn't want you to call the police." Jake told me trying to cover up.

"Jake don't lie to me." I told him crossing my arms.

"It's not very nice to lie." Lilly scowled.

"I'm not." Jake countered.

"So you're going to stand there and lie to your mate?" I asked with a smirk.

"How did-" He started but I cut him off.

"Dude stop. I know you guys are werewolves."

A lot of gasps were sounded around the room and David and Jake looked at me with wide eyes.

"But. How?" David asked.

"I saw you guys shift." I laughed.

"You're not scared of me?" Jake asked quietly.

"How could I be?! That is so freaking awesome that you can shift! I thought I was the only one." I laughed. I stopped laughing after I realized what I just said. Oh shit.

I looked down at Lilly and she froze too.

"What did you just say?" Liam asked walking towards us.

"I said, uh I thought I was the only one that knew you guys were werewolves. But then I remembered Lilly was with me." I explained nervously.

Jake, David, and Liam gave me a weird lol before smiling. Except for Liam. He just gave me an even stranger look.

"So you're okay with it?" David asked slowly.

"Ya. I mean like seriously. That is totally awesome! You guys get to shift into giant wolves!" I exclaimed.

'But shifting into a fox is so better.' Red smirked.

'Totally.' I smirked back.

"So, do you accept me? Us?" Jake asked pointing to the other wolves looking at me with hopeful expressions.

I looked at him, David, and Liam. Then I looked at everyone else in the room. Everyone stood there waiting for me to answer while some people gave me a warm smile. Except for this one redhead that looked like she was about to kill me. I don't know what that's about, but oh well.

I looked back at Jake and smiled. "I accept you and the other wolves."

Right as I said that, everyone screamed in joy and clapped. Jake had a huge smile on his face and he pulled me into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

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