22. Sharing

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I steadily descend the stone steps to the cobbled courtyard of the royal stables, watching as the last of the King's entourage flow through the gates. Horses hooves clatter noisily on the stones, their nickering loud and excitable, as they crash about the once quiet space.

My gaze lands on the familiar huddle of elves surrounding a mammoth creature, too big to be a horse. His large antlered head shakes and he roughly grumbles at the presence of so many strange folk prying at him. My eyes zero in on the smaller figure perched on his back, her singsong laugher bringing a smile to my face but a slight irritation to my spirit.

"But I want to go riding with Iorist," Celairiel's voice chimes teasingly as she stretches over the beast to scratch his ears, the elk happily snuffs and rumbles at my daughter's affections.

"Not tonight," Thranduil's throaty laughter seizes my heart and I practically wilt in relief.

I suppress a chuckle as I spy him grip Celairiel in a vice like grip and lift her from Iorist's back. Gently he places her on the ground and the two embrace warmly, before she skips away from him to race up the steps towards me.

"Nana! Nana!" She cries with excitement as she collides with me, and grips my arms in her hands proceeding to spin me; "Nana, you will never believe what Iorist brought Ada?"

"Heavens above, child...would you stop spinning," I chuckle as I try to hold her still for a moment, my earlier anger with her disappearing momentarily.

"A calf...a little elk calf," she blurts in my face, vibrating on the spot with her delight. "He is a little orphan, and Ada is giving him to me to raise...is that not wonderful?"

"It sounds like a lot of responsibility for one who cannot even stay in the one place for more than an hour," I reprimand her, and she at least has the decency to blush and drop her gaze.

"I know I promised I would help...and I did...but then I heard the tree songs and I just knew Ada was coming home so I-"

"Alright, it is okay," I laugh softly as I push her silky platinum  locks from her face, those messy waves so similar to my own. She has grown up so fast, just as tall and feminine as me in shape and stance, but her eyes still swim with the exuberance of youth and her heart is still so pure and naive. Still a young girl in a woman's body, I suppose in time that will change too, but right now she still remains my little light.

"Really?" She winces, and I roll my eyes at how easily she manipulates me.

"Oh go on then, don't you have a baby elk to look after?" I sigh and flick my wrist towards the crowds. I am assaulted with a flurry of kisses before Celairiel bounds back through the crowds, ducking and dodging the guards until she disappears. I am far too soft on her...far too lenient.

"Actually, Ada said we could both look after that calf...just so you know."

My eyes pop up and spin in utter delight to find Legolas grinning like a cheshire cat. I let out a muffled squeak as I collide with him and pull him into a tight embrace, but find my toes leaving the ground as he picks me up...making me feel very minuscule in strength next to him. I let out a breathy laugh as my overgrown little rescuer envelopes me in one of his renowned cuddles...he never did get too old for them.

"Legolas, my darlin' I have missed you so," I practically sing as I plant a soppy kiss to his cheek, and grin when he scrubs it off with his sleeve. "Are you okay? No wounds, no injuries? Did your Ada keep you safe, if he brought you home in less than pristine condition I will clobber him."

"I am perfectly well Nana, just the one blow to the head, but that was my own fault," he laughs airily and taps his head, his giggling choking off into a cough when I glare indignantly at him before gripping his forehead in my hands. "Ow, Nana, I was jesting...Nana...stop...not in front of the others."

To Live Again: Waiting Between Worlds {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now