1. The Red Dawn

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Mordor 3441 S.A. - On the field of victory.

The landscape of Mordor had never looked more terrible, more soulless, and more bereft of any beauty than it had on this cold morning. Victory had been achieved, but only by uncountable sacrifice and great destruction. It was a bloody and sore dawn, and although sunlight touched the once shadowed pits of this most dreadful land, it did not succeed in chasing away all the darkness. For as the smoke rose and billowed in great, black, acrid, plumes above the victory field, those left alive mourned for the terrible losses they had endured.

One such grey elf stood out in the cold light, his tattered and stained cloak catching in the breeze and wrapping itself around his battered armour. Celeborn was not a warrior but he did fight when required. His forte was of providing wisdom and counsel to those who needed it most; his wife was the stronger in body and spirit than he. Still in times of war he took up his sword and fought bravely, like the rest of his people. He was a lord of status, and because of this was offered a higher rank than he himself believed he deserved in battle, but he never could fight as valiantly as his peers. He never had that spirit, it was not his strength, but it was Oropher's.

Celeborn exhaled a long and heavy sigh as he observed the body of his old companion. He smiled sadly to himself, acknowledging that their friendship was never one built on brotherly love or loyalty...nay it was one of necessity for the demands of courtly life in Doriath. Once they were no longer bound to serve that city neither of them really vested much interest in one another - their beliefs and passions were very different. Still, to see such a noble elf taken from this world in such a cruel and horrific manner...well it was enough to cause Celeborn to weep for the senselessness of war. Kneeling down on one knee, Celeborn closed his eyes and bowed his head respectively;

"Rest now brother, and may your spirit be rekindled soon, on those Western Shores."

Gently Celeborn outstretched his hand, and carefully closed the dead eyes of his friend for a final time. He had asked that he be the one to care for the body, for it was only right that one of his own kind should tend to him. Oropher would have not wanted his body handled by Noldor; they would not be respectful of their Doriathian customs. Celeborn lifted the King's blood stained sword, and whispered over it prayers of thanksgiving and hope for renewed life before he placed it upon the Greenwood King's chest, ensuring his hands were folded proudly over its silver hilt. Straightening up, he stepped away from the raised stones that acted as his final memorial, and placed his hand over his own heart in honour of the fallen King.

"What will happen to Greenwood now?" A quiet and timorous voice sounded behind the Sinda lord, and Celeborn straightened up to turn his stern gaze on Amroth.

"It should have fallen to Thranduil," Celeborn replied, as he glanced down in an attempt to compose his features; "Though I assume there has been no word on his whereabouts?"

"They say it is likely that he is dead," Amroth answered, an obvious sob sounding in his voice; "There was no body claimed from the battlefield...they have searched."

"Then urgent word will be sent to Greenwood by way of wing. I imagine Oropher has made up final orders as to his wishes, I assume the crown will pass to the elfling - whether Thranduil's wife will act as his regent remains to be seen. Regardless of the outcome, they remain as ever our ally's and friends...we will offer what help we can...is that understood!"

Amroth bristled slightly at the tone the mere elf lord had used with him, but he registered they were simply words of a grieved and hurting ellon. Bowing his head for the elder elf, Amroth turned his tearful gaze back to the body of the deceased King;

"I should never have goaded the Prince into acting rashly," Amroth sighed heavily and clutched his palm to his forehead; "I played on his weakness for battle, and now he is lost to us."

To Live Again: Waiting Between Worlds {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt