20. The King's Path

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A/N: Part II of the Coronation is here, because I love this part of the story and I'm so keen for you guys to read it. As before, this is all my original take so copyright still in place. Thank you! xo

Song: Trobar de Morte - Song of the Stones. This is an extremely celtic piece of music that I believe represents the feeling of this chapter. I really love this song and I hope you do too.


The forest was alive, in ways that I have never seen it before. It was like it had a heartbeat, and it pulsed with such ancient conviction that I felt like I had wandered into a time before this, long ago, when the earth was young and its fire fierce and wild. It's shadows were ominous and long stretching, the trees had such authoritative presence that I felt so naive and unwise walking under their majestic eaves. The air was static, heavy with the power and essence of the forest mingled with the spirits of the woodland elves that live in harmony with it. The sounds were pronounced: every creak or snap, or every whimper, howl, or rumble of the animals, seemed to be haunting yet enchanting in the heavy air.

I was not frightened...I was in awe.

Once Thranduil and I had exited the caves with the children and crossed the bridge into the wider forest, we were met by a small band of the woodland guards' elite all dressed in their ceremonial gear. There were no words spoken, no smiles or light-hearted words shared, the mood was intense and weighted...a King was to be made tonight.

The guards flanked Thranduil, detaching him from me so quickly that all I could do was squeeze his hand with mine. I watched a flash of fear light his eyes, and I saw the sudden rigidness in his uncertain movements, but his panic was fleeting. Within a second his eyes became distant, his posture straight, and his movements fluid and full of such otherworldly grace as he nodded his agreement to some unspoken command.

I held back, keeping a firm grip of both Celairiel and Legolas, and watched on as they led him away from me and towards his fate. I couldn't tell in the moment what was worse?

If watching him disappearing into the uncertainty of war was difficult, then this was truly agonising.

Yes, I was proud, viciously protective, and utterly amazed by Thranduil's resilience and how he so readily embraced his birthright. He would make an honourable King, of that I had no doubt, for his love and loyalty to his people ran as deep and strong as the great roots in this very forest. Yet, I felt fear - fear that I would lose my husband entirely to this new identity, or that his position would take him from me again?

Everything was just so overwhelming, but I must not think like that, such thoughts are selfish and unhelpful. Instead I greeted and went with the small band of guards that approached the children and I, those assigned to escort us to the Heart of the Forest, were the elder council would crown their King.

We went in subdued quietness, not speaking only sharing understanding glances with one another. Legolas seemed the most contemplative, he walked a few steps ahead with his eyes fixed on a point in the distance. I had worried that he would begin to understand his purpose, that he was now the eldest, and with the coronation of his father he would become the Crowned Prince and Heir of the Realm.

He is old enough to understand the importance of this, and I am certain his emotions over his beloved Ada would be similar to mine. For a long time it was only just he and his father, and I am sure the child feels the distance much more acutely than maybe Celairiel would.

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