Chapter 32 - Beyond Settling

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"Come here," he said to me while grabbing my hand and pulling me to an unknown location.

The way he said "come here" was welcoming and delicate.

He pulled me to my bed room where he plopped himself upon my bed.  He bounced around a little to get comfortable and then remained sitting there watchin me with his legs crossed.

After the little encounter in the kitchen I didn't understand exactly what he was doing, so I just watched from the doorframe with an intriguing look on my face.

It's like he completely forgotten the question I asked him in the kitchen.

Or like he didn't wanna answer it.

"Ella, come here." he almost begged.

My heart fluttered and of course I gave in. I couldn't just look at him, with his tousled up hair and big curious eyes, and not crave to feel his warmth or his touch.

I slowly made my way to him, with every step more anticipation rose within me, my body was almost in a way excited for his presence.

I don't understand how he has the power to make me feel this way.

I'm not complaining.

I just don't understand.

I sat next to him on my bed, hearing the croak of the springs underneath me.

"Let's talk." he said.

Oh god, from the way this sounded already I figured this wasn't gonna end well.

Did I do something?

Oh no.

I must have done something.

"Okay...." I spoke out trying not to let him hear the fear of losing him in my voice.

He raised his hand, slowly it made its way to my face, he placed it cupping my cheek.

His hands were so cold, and declicate. They were beautiful things made to make even more beautiful things, and the way it felt to have his hand on my face and caressing my jaw with his thumb slowly, really did make me feel beautfiul.

It made me feel so beautiful.


His face slowly leaned in to kiss me, and he did. He kissed me softly, he kissed me in way that made me feel so cherished, so wanted.

It wasn't a sloppy make out, it was a gentle and time slowed down kiss.

And in those few seconds that usually seem to fly by when we usually kiss, time did slow down.

This kiss made me feel like the earth stopped just for me.

He pulled away.

He placed his soft forehead against mine, I could see his eyes were still closed.

His hand still holding my face up against his.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the kitchen. I really am. I didn't mean to freak you out or make you feel like that's all I wanted from you." he pulled away from me and looked at me waiting for a response.

I didn't know what to say, my mind went blank. "It's okay Tyler, and that's not what I think."

"I-I've never even, uh.." he stopped, he seemed embarrassed, no that's not the word, ummm-


He seemed ashamed of something.

"I've never even had sex Ella." he said forcefully as if it was the hardest thing in the world to admit.

"Tyler I've never had sex either..." I spoke softly.

I never had someone like this. Someone that I could tell things like this to. But honeslty, I may not show it as much as I need to, but it's the best feeling in the world.

"Ella I'm all about the "waiting for the right person" type of deal but in this society no one else is like that. And it's just so hard to find someone else like that. I was just so caught up in the moment, and-" I cut his babbling off.

"Tyler, I know exactly how you feel. I want that too. It's okay. Everyone has somebody out there for them, and there's nothing wrong waiting for that special person."

He sighed really loudly.

"But that's the thing Ella! I know you are that person for me. And I've been so caught up with myself, just trying not to screw this up between us because what if I mess up and you leave me. You are my person Ella theres not a day that I wanna live without you. There's not a day that I  don't wanna be with you. And if I mess that up.....if you leave...."

He was crying.

Breaking down.

I was speechless.

His head fell into my chest, and my chest fell into the ground. He was crying.

He started mumbling into my chest "Ella you mean everything to me. And I don't ever want to hurt you. I don't ever want to see you with anyone else, I don't ever wanna be with anyone else." I felt my shirt being stained with tears.

I didn't even realize it then but my eyes were misty. My throat was locking up because I wanted to cry.

He's such a beautiful soul.

I grew balls and took control.

I picked up his face and I made him look up at me, "Tyler, I doubted this for a while because, I-I-I don't know, because I was scared...." my voice broke, and tears were escaping my eyes, I couldn't help but cry, "I'm not scared anymore, you helped me stop being so afraid of everything, scared of my emotions, and I'm not gonna doubt it anymore...."

"Ella, what are you saying?" he said snifing his nose.

"Tyler, I love you." I said with a final voice break.

I've never said that out loud.

But I've never been so sure of something.

(Danggggg......I kinda just started writing and this happened...leave your opinions in the comments. and also I read all of the comments you guys leave and I swear you guys mean everything to me. I love you allll have a good day/night)

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