Chapter 18: Don't Let me be.

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My heart was at the pit of my stomach. There was no way in hell that I was staying.

He was looking at me, as if searching for a glimmering of hope, but there was none to be found. I couldn't stay.

But I couldn't surpass this feeling in my gut, telling me to stay, to stay with Tyler. But my brain got the best of me and decided this was not good for me, nor for him. But this feeling, why was I getting so upset over this? I hate myself for doing this to him.

I walked toward Tyler and my heart shattered. I could tell by the way his facial expression seemed to lighten and become brighter, that he thought I was staying, but the second I passed him up I saw his face return to it saddened state.

"What are you doing?" he called from behind me.

I ignored. I was going to get Zack. He was still in the dressing room and he was my only chance at leaving this place the quickest I could.

"Are you staying?" he asked with the relieved tone in his voice. My stomach knotted and I couldn't fathom an answer. I couldn't tell him no. I just had to let him figure this out in his own.

I heard footsteps rush up to catch up with me. "Are you even listening to anything I'm saying?" he sounded annoyed.

Once again I ignored. I didn't have an idea of what to say. Why can't I be normal? I constantly ask myself this. Why? It's not fair.

He let out a rough sigh. "So you are leaving?" he asked with anger. Why anger? Woah. I still did not answer. My lips were glued shut and my vocals chords were on lockdown.

"So you're just gonna leave, after everything that's happened?" he said sternly and the words pierced my ears. That wasn't the only thing that happened, he grabbed my hand and tugged it, pulling me back, so now I was facing him. When he touched my hand that feeling returned. That feeling that I felt when he grabbed my hand earlier.

Oh boy. He was making it harder and harder to leave. But something else raged me. "Everything that's happened? We've only just met!" I spat back, a tiny sliver of me wanted to take it back, but then again it was the truth.

He let out this confusing moan "You don't think I know that. You don't think that drives me crazy." he said almost rushing his words. What did he mean by that? "Why does it drive you crazy Tyler? That doesn't make any sense." I questioned with a confused look on my face.

"No, what doesn't make any sense is how your running out on me for no reason! What did I do?" he almost yelled but I knew he was only frustrated because of me. But now my head was buzzing in all directions.

"You didn't do anything and that what's I want you to know." Did that even make sense? I hope he gets what I'm trying to say. Embarrassment washed through me.

"Well if I didn't do any thing why are you leaving me?" Why did he have to add the me part? I can't handle this.

I sighed. I steadied my breathe. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand." That was the oldest and most cliche line in the book, what is this, a soap opera?

"Try me, how would you know I wouldn't understand if you haven't even told me yet?" He was right but I used common sense and threw back "Tyler look, sometimes you just have to take people's word for it. I heard that too many times before, there's no way someone could come completely out of the blue and fix my problems, no way. So you need to understand that I'm leaving, and you have all your fans to keep you company. You'll move on and I'll move on from this friend ship." I turned away and started heading to the dressing room.

I didn't hear footsteps behind me so I guess Tyler caught on. I finally saw the door in my view. Thank God.

"Wait wait wait." I hear Tyler say as if he was in disbelief of something. Oh my god, when does this end? I turned around curious as to what had Tyler in dis belief.

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