Chapter 14: Momentum

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Tyler was bouncing and hopping everywhere. He was running all over the stage, and the song had just started.

But I looked over at Josh and saw him banging the living heck out of his drums. His head would sway with every thrash and hit

The music was literally blaring into everyone's ears. Almost making it impossible to hear your own thoughts. But it was okay. It was amazing actually. It was as if the sound waves gave you an adrenaline rush.

But one of my favorite parts was Tyler's voice, and the way he connected to the crowd.

It was the way when he was singing you heard every mistake and flaw. You heard every voice crack and uncalled pitch change. You heard when he would get really into a song and he would begin to choke up. But still his voice sounded so soothing and amazing. It felt so authentic and raw.

Then there would be times when he would be sing a really fast song, that I'll be desperately trying to catch words from, but he gives up and blushes and points the microphone to the crowd letting them sing into the mic. He would watch all the people singing and just smile. Feeling so accomplished.

Every single song that he sung the crowd just seemed to know by heart. Thousands and thousands of people have took the time to memorize these unique songs. These amazing songs. These songs that have lyrics that understand you better than you understand yourself. I'm amazed by this band.

There was moments when Tyler would sing his heart out, it was like watching him bleed on the stage, and the crowd would quiet down and let him sing his verse. It would get so quiet you could hear the breathes he would take between words. All that you could do in that moment was listen. You listen as he tells you that he understands the pain, and that you are not alone.

There was a really cool moment in the show when the beat drops and everything kind of went silent. Then Tyler stood on top the piano and Josh came down from his drum set to meet him on top of the piano. Josh looked at Tyler, and then Tyler made a gun with his fingers, pointed it at Josh, then he pulled his fake finger trigger. Then Josh would jump off the piano and do an astonishing backflip, and then he would hustle all the way back to his drum set only to beat it some more.

Sometimes between songs Tyler would just laugh and have small but amazing conversations with the crowd. Letting them know, he appreciates them and knows they're there. He would joke with them, tell them things that he would tell a friend.

But most of all he did not look like the Tyler I met at the society group. He looked like a whole new and rejuvenated person. A person who had the confidence to take over the world. I'm a little jealous okay.

Even though I didn't know barely any songs and I didn't know any of the lyrics, I was really into this concert. My head was swaying and I was cheering them on. I was laughing when the crowd laughed and smiling when Tyler said a joke,
and Josh always had something witty to say.

Now and then he would play a song on the ukulele other than on the piano. I really liked the fact that he played such an odd instrument. It's not that the ukulele is an odd instrument, it's just an odd instrument for his choice of music.

But when I say I couldn't imagine it any other way I mean it.

Tyler did this thing half of the night when he would get really into a song and his hands wouldn't stop moving. Not just his hands, he would bounce around and make odd faces. His body seemed to twitch with every strum of the ukulele or every key to the piano he touched. Sometimes his eyes would roll to back of his head but it didn't look demonic or scary. It looked more like he was trying to hit a really high, high note.

You're probably thinking that he's crazy and retarded but that's not the case. He didn't look crazy or weird. He looked so into place that it was mine blowing. His little twitches and movements only built up more character and showed us how into his music was.

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