Chapter 19: Sneaky Bean

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(May or may not be long)

"I'm almost positive that if I decline that offer, you'll just figure out a way to find me." I said with a serious tone in my voice.

"Three days and you know me so well." he smirked. Stop that.

"Or maybe I'm just good at making assumptions." I said in this cocky tone that came out of nowhere. You ever have those moments where you feel like you're a totally different person, but in a good way? Yeah, that's happening right now.

"Shots fired." he said in this aesthetic voice.

"Hit or miss?" where is this coming from Ella? You're being witty and sarcastic. This is not you, I repeat, not you!

"Oh definitely a hit." he replied. I didn't know if I should feel bad about that or just ignore.


Why am I being so mean to him all of a sudden though? I don't like it. All this time I've been worried about making him happy, and here I am being a total bitch.

Get yourself together.

I coughed or choked, maybe both. I don't know and took a breathe. "Sorry," I sighed "this entire night my nerves have been everywhere."

He gulped and did something with his jaw "Don't worry about it it's cool."

"It's really not that cool Tyler. I'm not a bitch like that." when I said that he flinched. "You're not a bitch in general." that was the second time I had heard him curse and may I say it took me by surprise again.

"Well then I'm sorry for, you know, jumping to conclusions, or what ever I was doing." I said looking at him. He laughed. Not a big laugh. It was like a small giggle to himself.

"Want to hear a joke?" I shit you not, in this serious moment he just asked if I wanted to hear a joke. I think this was an attempt to brighten the mood.

"What?" I asked in reassurance.

"Want to hear a joke?" he repeated with a bubbly smile. His smile was contagious, which caused me to smile and say "Okay loser." I said playfully.

He blushed. Yep not kidding. His cheeks turned red and he looked down at his shoes. He cleared his throat and then began to speak. "Okay so" he took a breathe "why are women generally skinnier than men?"

What the hell? I don't know. " I don't know why?"

"Because they burn a lot of calories when they always go jumping to conclusions." he was smiling so wide and laughing ridiculously.

He did not just do that.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh along with him. "Oh my gosh" was the only words that escaped my laughing mouth.

Still laughing he said "Sorry if that was corny, it's just what you said reminded me of that joke."

"I cant deny that it wasn't a good one."


The laughing had ended and we were now in complete silence. More like awkward silence.

"Do you really want to leave?" he asked raising an eyebrow in anticipation.

"Why are you asking a question that you already know the answer to?" I know that sounded harsh and bratty in your head but it really sounded like I was being playfully sarcastic.

"Because I guess I really don't know the answer to that question."

I was confused now. "Yes you do, I am leaving."

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