Chapter 28 - Silent in the trees. pt.2

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(hopefully really long)

I grabbed his calloused hand and he pulled me up this enhancing tree. It was beautiful.

I was kinda worried in the back of my mind, about where I was in this moment. I don't exaclty know. I've never been here before, I know thats for sure. I would've noticed something as beautiful as this.

But, I surpassed my gut and decided to put my faith into this date and enjoy it with my full potential.

He pulled me to the left, my butt scratching at the wood, and soon we were over this very thick branch, both legs dangling over the edge.



I was guessing we weren't going to do like normal people and simply catch a movie or eat diner, something with a distraction, something in which thier full attention was not on the other person.

Where they were not watching you like hawks, just trying to point out an imperfection. Which I tend to have plenty of those.

It was a cool night, with a warm drift. Stars looked smudged by the fog drifting overhead.

It was a perfect night. Perfect.


I wondered how long it was going to stay this way?


Without a word or signal I felt his cold gentle hands slide into mine.

I used to hate this. I used to hate to hate people getting all up in my personal space. I liked to be alone. I liked to be a mystery. I liked to keep my feelings and thoughts barried away, like some worthless treasure, under hot sand.

But right now I want more than anything for him to change that about me. More than he already has.

I like him sitting so close, that it feels like there's this barrier of warmth outlining our skin. I like him holding my hand so tightly, that I feel his pulse beating a certain rhythm I wish to uptain. I like looking into his eyes, hearing his words and getting lost in his thoughts. I like his presence. I like just knowing that in this moment we share the same air. I like him.

"I really don't know what it is about you, Ella." he began to say, and once again hearing my name escape his lips drove me crazy. "I enjoy your company, I enjoy your whole existence if that makes sense."

"It makes a lot of sense." I spoke. My voice came out cool and soft, the wind taking it with it.

"Not in my head. I've never craved to know more about someone than I do you. And-And I can't explain why. It's just like ever since I saw you in that support group, things have changed." he spoke. And I wanted to know more, what does he mean things have changed?

But that was not the question I wanted to ask.

"Tyler why, why do you care so much about me?" that came out almost defensive, as if I was wondering that for my well-being. Maybe I am, it's just hard to believe something is this good.

"Like I said before, you remind me of myself. And I know what it's like to always feel at that low an hopeless point in your life, but I got lucky and found music as my solution, and music is just one of the few things in life I found to make me happy. And ever since I met you, I have made it my life's mission to help you find yours."

"But, you don't have to do this for me, that's the thing. You are choosing to do this and I have no idea why." I spoke but I didn't look at him, I just stared off at the grass, maybe trying to find an answer in it.

"You say it like I'm not getting anything out of this. Like what I'm doing here is pointless." Tyler said. Which threw me off guard, what is he getting out of this?

"Well then, what are you getting out of this?" I questioned now eyeing him slowly.

"A relationship with you. Do you understand how amazing it is just having someone like you in my life, and for that I'd give anything." he smiled at me. Damn, am I lucky.

Now for the much needed witty comment, "Oh yeah, what's makes me so amazing?" I smirked.

"Ha, no I think we agreed that on this date you were going to discuss things you liked about me. Isn't that right Ella-Bo-Bella?"

He got me. I blushed like a fool and nodded with a grin so wide my cheeks hurt. Dammit. I hate how he gets to me.

"You're seriously gonna make me do this?" I said under my breathe trying to hide my smile. He slightly laughed "Yes I am Mrs. Believer."

The song.

The night.

The feelings.

The kiss.

Everything changed in that one moment.

When he called me Mrs. Believer. It was like the world slowed down. It was like my heart started beating at 1,000 miles per hours and I swallowed my toungue. I was speechless.

My heart was in the pit of my stomach and there we butterflies dancing around in my belly, and the night felt suddenly more enchanted.

I looked at him, and all these feelings over whelmed me, and I knew he felt this too.

It was in the way his brown eyes were looking at me, he knew I was feeling this way.

Nothing mattered in this moment except him. I knew now that what I wanted to tell him could not be said in words. I did it.

I kissed him. This kiss was different.

I knew it was coming and I wanted it more than anything.

Gripping his hands tightly, trusting I won't fall, I slowly moved my face towards his. Resulting in our lips pressing together. Resulting in me feeling a way I have never felt before.

(This will be continued. Hey guys I missed YALL alott and I love you if you haven't noticed. But like honeslty Ella has changed so much and it's all because of that smol bean Tyler. anyways comment if you liked it and the next chapter will be more in depth and they will be discussing a lot.)

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