57: Lucy

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"Well looks like you've got a long road ahead of you. Good luck," Clark said with a small smile.

I had told him about what happened and I believe he was still in shock. Baine hopped out of the bed of his truck and I quickly tied a rope around his neck. No more biting people.

"Thanks. Um, do you know where we could rent a car maybe?" I asked. Nathan stood beside me, scanning over the little town.

"Yeah, Cody may have a few rentals. He rents them out to hunters," Clark pointed at an auto shop not far from here.

"Okay," I nodded.

"And if you want to ever talk again-" Clark smirked.

Nathan wrapped an arm around my waist, "No. Thanks for your help but we've got it from here."

Clark glared at Nathan but hopped into his truck and kicked it into drive, throwing dust and pebbles past us. I fanned the dust away and smiled at Nathan, "Wanna get some food?"

I gestured to a little diner on the opposite street. Fannie Mae's. A few old people sat on rocking chairs outside the door and watched us pick up our bags.

We started towards them. Baine reverted back to when he was little and stuck to my side like he used to. He kept low to the ground cautiously and took in everything. His eyes flickered round and his ears twitched at every noise.

"Why's it so quiet here?" Nathan asked quietly.

"We're new here. This happens in every little remote town I've ever visited. Just imagine a group of newbies walking in with big cameras and a translator. They all look at you like this. They look like that," I pointed to Baine, who was nervously scoping everything out.

We walked up the steps of the diner and opened the door. It clanged loudly when it closed and eyes flicked to us.

"Aye, no dogs allowed." A man at the register said gruffly.

I looked down at Baine, "It's not a good idea to leave him somewhere without me. And he's a wolf, not a dog."

A few people stared at Baine, suddenly nervous. He noticed their stares and fluffed out his fur, growling lowly.

"Shhh buddy, it's okay," I assured him. The register man said nothing more and we took a booth by the window.

"Sit," I told Baine. He sat by my side and I tied his rope to the table stand out of caution.

"Mae!" A guy behind the grill called.

An older, busty woman came out of a side door. Her big blonde hair was curled and hair sprayed to perfection. Smoke curled into the air above her as she held a cigarette between two fingers.

"No smoking Mae," The guy said.

"Shaddup Al," She snapped, sticking the cigarette back into her mouth and grabbed two menus.

Al chuckled and continued to cook something. She walked over, her heels clicking loudly. She smiled at us when she reached our table, "Hi y'all, what can I get you to drink?"

"Water please," I smiled.

"Orange juice," Nathan yawned.

"Okay then. And ignore Al, this is my place and I smoke where I please," She said the last part loudly enough for Al to hear. So she's Fannie Mae.

She whisked away while we mulled over our menus. I decided on waffles with fried eggs and hash browns. Mae came back when she saw me close my menu. Our drinks were in her hand as she walked up.

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