43: What are you, a rock?

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I opened my eyes and yawned. I think we've slept in, but I'm not sure. My entire body buzzed happily. I didn't have to look around to know where I was at.

I laid on top of Nathan's chest. His arms had an iron grip around my waist that wouldn't budge. I lifted my head and tucked my hands under my chin. As creepy as it may sound, I just sat there and watched him sleep.

Whenever I tried to get up, his arms would tighten and his face would give the expression of worry. I wondered if he had had another nightmare, which concerned me. I furrowed my eyebrows at his worried look and relaxed against him.

Eventually, his arms relaxed but never moved. It was like he was afraid to let go. But I think the thing is that he is afraid to let me go. I was starting to pick up that Nathan may actually have an interest in me.

The thought made me giddy. I smiled at him and whispered, "I'm not going anywhere, you goof."

I gave in to the compelling urge to rest my hand on his cheek, running my thumb over the stubble that had formed in the last few days. He smiled slightly in his sleep and leaned into my touch.

I wondered if I should let myself like him. It was sort of obvious that we wanted to but there was other things that had to be done. I wanted to like him- fall in love with him if I already hadn't. I had a feeling that he cared, but how could I be sure? He told me so. But as what? A best friend, a survival pal, or a....whatever you would call me if he loved me. Girlfriend didn't seem strong enough.

I've always cared.

I dropped my hand and laid back down on his chest. Listening to his strong heart beat and getting sleepy again by the rise and fall of his steady breathing. I started to dread going home- can you believe that?

Going home meant going away from Nathan. I think I'm too attached to him for that...

There would be no more mornings like this, no more hunting at the ass crack of dawn with my favorite person, no more fishing or pushing each other into the river....

I realized that just thinking about this was killing me. I didn't want  to leave him. I didn't want  to stop all that. God I was attached and I liked it. I started to understand why Nathan was so protective. We're best friends...I couldn't leave him he didn't seem to want to leave me. I've never had a best friend that was this close.

I forced myself to stop thinking about what could happen and tried to relax. It was easier to calm down when you're being held. My eyelids got heavy once more. What's a few more hours sleep? I thought.

I was brought out of my doze when Nathan moved slightly. He turned on his side but never let me go. He nuzzled the crook of my neck and held me tight. I smiled and got comfortable.



It was around noon when I woke up. Normally I didn't wake up this late but whatever.

"Finally, you're awake."

I blearily looked at the girl in my arms, blinking the traces of sleep away, "What time is it? Why didn't you wake me up?"

I sat up and pulled her with me, setting her in my lap before rubbing my hands down my face to wake me up.

"You looked tired...and you didn't want to let me go, so I stayed and napped," Lyra smiled up at me.

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