54: It's a hot one

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I woke up to someone kissing down my neck and across my chest. I groaned and didn't bother to open my eyes.

"Woman you've got to give me a break, I need rest. And food," I chuckled.

Lyra chuckled and flopped over beside me. I wrapped an arm around her bare waist and pulled her to my side. Rounds 1-3 were extremely engaging but now I was totally exhausted. I wasn't sure how Lyra wasn't. She had far more endurance than I did. 

I'm never sleeping with another girl again. It's like my buddy in Texas says, "If you can find a woman who can make you go wild, don't let her go. They're hard to find."

"Well, I need a shower. You're welcome to join me," She pecked my cheek and pulled away.

I may be exhausted, but I'm not stupid. I jumped out of bed and followed her to the bathroom. After we were done, I decided to have some fun and chased Lyra out of the bathroom with a wet, rolled up towel.

"Nathan!" She squealed as it smacked her leg. She held the towel that was wrapped around her close, backing up slowly so she could watch me. I grinned at her before twisting the towel up again.

"No!" She darted to our bedroom, giggling as she slipped inside. I followed her and used the towel to smack her butt. She narrowed her eyes at me before whipping her towel off and twisting it up.

"I don't know wether to be scared or turned on," I chuckled honestly.

"Scared," Lyra grinned and swung the towel like a whip. It smacked me in the side and I knew she was definitely better at this. Before she could get in another hit, I used my towel to capture her and bring her to my chest.

Kissing her deeply, I felt her hands go to my chest and loved the tingles that electrocuted my skin. I pulled away and looked down at her, "So how about breakfast?"

She laughed, "Definitely, but let me get dressed first."

"Boo, who said you had to make breakfast whilst wearing clothes?" I pouted.

She gave me a look before going over to her bag and *sigh* putting her clothes on. It was just a simple lazy day T-shirt and shorts but still.

I only bothered to put on boxers and basketball shorts before heading into the kitchen to figure out what to eat. I pulled some pancake mix down from the cabinet and some frozen bacon out of the freezer.

Lyra came into the kitchen and read the pancake mix while I struggled to open the frozen shut packaging on the bacon.

"Do you need help?" Lyra asked, sitting on the counter as she mixed up the batter. I looked at her and handed over the bacon. She chuckled and went over to the sink, running the edge under hot water before popping the seal open just fine. I grumbled about bacon showing me up and sent it dirty looks.

Apparently, I burn pancakes and Lyra's afraid of the flying grease that bacon sets off, so we had designated duties. Lyra on pancakes, me on bacon.

Baine whined through the screen door, smelling the food and wanting a nibble. He reminded me of Elvis and Campbell's. Lyra pointed the spatula at him, "No, go catch your own food. I know you can."

He continued to whine. We ignored it until he started to scratch on the door.

"Alright! Geez!" Lyra exclaimed, snatching up a piece of bacon and tossing out the door, "Go get it!"

Baine dashed after the strip of bacon and I laughed. Lyra stood on the counter and shuffled through my cabinets, looking for syrup. I'm sure I have some but it's a nice view from here so I'll let her find it.

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