23: Habits

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My eyes fluttered open. The ground underneath me was hard and cold but I didn't feel the chill. When my vision adjusted, I found myself nose to chest with Nathan. I groaned, how many times was this going to happen?

I was totally curled up against him, pressed against his chest for warmth. It got chilly last night but not as cold as it usually was. Both of his arms were wrapped around me tightly and my legs were firmly intertwined with his. 

I put my hand on his chest, privately enjoying the warmth and muscle, and pushed myself back as far as he would allow. Nathan's eyes blinked open and a cocky smirk played on his lips.

"This is becoming a habit," he grinned lazily at me.

"I know," I sighed.

"Well I like it," he confessed with a shrug. I did too, but I'd never admit that.

I rolled my eyes, "Well you can let go now. We have traps to check and furs to tan."

"You're going to work so hard you'll run yourself into the ground. Just sit still for a minute and relax. Enjoy. Indulge. Of all people, you deserve it," Nathan leaned down, making us nose to nose. I blushed stupidly at our proximity.

"I did say I hate sitting around, didn't I?" I smirked and pulled away, sitting up and trying to fix my unfixable hair. Baine yawned a few feet away and disappeared to do his business.

Nathan exaggerated a sigh and rolled into a sitting position, "Yes you did" 

"Good, now let's go see if we have any-"

"No no, you should stay here."

I stopped walking to the cave and looked over my shoulder "Um, why?"

"You just got over that...flu or whatever that was. Just take one more day to rest," Nathan stood up and stood in front of me.

"That was hardly the flu," I said skeptically.

"It still knocked you down. Relax today and build yourself back up. I'll even stay away for a bit so you can take another shower or whatever," he chuckled.

"Nate I've been sitting on my butt long enough. I'm fine now," I said while holding back a cough. Seriously, I was fine. I felt perfect.

"Lyra-... Lyra....what's your middle name?" He pointed at me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jay. Lyra Jay Kellie," I crossed my arms.

"Jay, wow, that's pretty. Lyra Jay Kellie, I'm telling you that you need rest! Please? You don't have to sit in the cave all day but just don't exhaust yourself," he pleaded. I couldn't tell if he was ordering or begging me.

Did he forget who he was talking to? I prepared myself for a sassy argument I knew I would win but stopped when I looked him in the eye. His soft green eyes gazed down at me, reminding me of a kicked puppy. I pursed my lips and tried to look away.

Sadly, he caught on and widened his big green eyes, cartoonishly sticking out his bottom lip.

I bit my lip and tried to tear my gaze away but I was absolutely locked with his gaze.

I groaned and Nathan pumped his fist in the air, "Yes!"

"Fine. I'll stick around here but I'm not doing just nothing, okay?" I mumbled.

"Deal. Now I'm gonna go check the traps and get some wood. I'll be right back," he saluted me, snatched up his jacket, knife, boots, and the hatchet before triumphantly walking out of the valley.

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