47: It's a no pants day

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When I woke up, I had to think hard about what happened yesterday and the day before that. Let's see, I had the biggest fight ever with Nathan. He almost left me.. I was attacked by a grizzly bear. Nathan came to my rescue and fought a bear  for me. ME! I marveled at the thought of him risking his life for me.

Oh yeah, back to my list. Uhmm, he fought the bear and killed it but not before getting severely hurt. I drug him home like the first time he was mortally wounded and fixed him up.

I waited for hours for him to wake up and when he did, I was ecstatic. And what else? Oh yes, he kissed me.

Was that part real?? I was having trouble distinguishing reality from my mental thoughts. Tell me it was real. It felt too much like a dream. I hoped that it wasn't a dream. I rubbed my cheek against Nathan's warm, bare chest and sighed, calmed by his regular breathing.

"Morning Jay."

I sleepily looked up at Nathan's face and giggled at his bed head, "Good morning."

"What time do you think it is?" He asked with a yawn.

"Only way to know is to get up and see," I smiled up at him.

"Well we can figure that out later then," Nathan chuckled.

I gently ran my hand over his bandages, "How are you feeling?"

"Sore as hell," he groaned truthfully.

I sat up and pulled up the edge of his bandages. The claw marks were a little red but they looked fine, as fine as deep gashes can look, and I didn't think I needed to change them yet. Bruising was all over Nathan's chest and ribs. 

"So um...did- did we.." I started but Nathan beat me to it.

He cupped my face and brought my lips to his. Sparks exploded in my mind and my first thought was fuck, do I have morning breath??

When he pulled away, I grinned, "So it wasn't a dream."

"No, no it wasn't. You have no clue how long I've waited to do that," Nathan muttered with a smile, a dazed look on his face.

"If it's half as long as I've wanted to, then yes, I have a clue," I smirked.

He took my way of open acceptance and his smile broadened. I grudgingly got up and looked down at Nathan.

His smiled faltered, "Where're you going?"

"Well, there's no way I'm letting you do anything. But I'm...a little afraid to go to go out without you now...so I'm going to get some meat from the cache," I admitted with a smile.

Nathan nodded, "Okay then."

I turned and opened the door, letting in the sunlight and surprisingly, the warmth from outside. It really looked like a spring day today. 

"Hey Jay?" Nathan called.

"Yes?" I turned to look over my shoulder.

"Are you going to put pants on? I mean- I'm not complaining at all but.." He sat up slowly and grinned.

I looked down at my bare legs and blushed, "You know what, nah, today is a no pants day."

"You should have those more often," I heard him say while I walked out the door.

I grinned and quickly climbed up the ladder of the cache. What to eat, what to eat...I grabbed the last of the last of the elk meat. Snatching up some berries to go with it, I climbed back down, avoiding my bad arm.

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