Chapter 43: Fool's Gold

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After my encounter with Kieran that night. I did what I should have done a long time ago, I'm not letting myself be affected by him anymore.

I also told Cole that I only see him as a friend and nothing else. He accepts my decision whole heartedly and we became even much closer.

I'm trying to be my old self again before all the bullshit happened and my friends are so happy about it, so am I.

"Oh my gosh! What the hell is that Quen?" I said disgustingly as he took out some cockroach looking candy on a bag.

"It's candy, just shaped like a cockroach." as he eats a handful of it.

"Let me try!" Oliver said grabbing maybe two pieces, then he chew it in his mouth tasting the flavor "it's not bad actually."

"Come on! Try it!" As Quen places the bag at the center "It's good!"

"I don't trust you Quen but here goes!" I took a piece from the bag and chew it but it's not really bad "Try it guys, It's candy." As I grab another one.

"I told you It's good!" Quen smiling.

Cole sits next to me looking at the cockroach candy.

"I love those!" He grabs a handful and ate them.

"That is why I like you Cole!" Quen and Cole high fived eachother, Cole has been sitting with us for days now and Kieran was back to his jock friends eating lunch. The boys are still friends with eachother but not the girls they dispise Kieran about everything that he have done.

Also Kieran has changed in his attitude after the talk I had with him more like an argument really, he tried to somehow be nice to me but I ignored him like he does not even exist.

"So Metro later for Chace birthday?" Oliver asks.

"Sure!" Chace answered for us "The drinks are on me!"

"Will you be okay Mads, uhm Kieran is coming." Marissa said worriedly

"Who?" I asked sarcastically "Who's he?" I laugh and Zoe and Emma gave me a high five.

The bell rang.

"Walk me?" I cling my arms on Cole's.



I was walking to my last class for today, I saw Kieran walking the other way passing by me. He grinned at me but as I've said, I'm trying to avoid him like he doesn't exist.

I took out my phone and pretend that I'm texting but he blocked my way. I tried to walk at his side but he blocked it again.

"Maddie, I have been trying to talk to you." I stood there pretending I don't hear him. "I know, I deeply hurt you and I was a total Jerk like you used to call me." he gave a small laugh. "Remember the times when you used to call me Jerk and I kiss-"

"I need to go to class" I cut him off, I walk pass him. My eyes went blurry as the tears build but threw my head back to push the tears back.

"Wait!" He stops me.

"I don't want to be late for my class, so if you don't have anything good to say. I must go!" I continue walking to my class.


"Happy Birthday Chace!!!" Shouted as I entered the Metro and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Maddie!"

"I have something for you!" Handing him the gift.

"What!!? You didn't have too!" He squealed like a little girl, he pulled the ribbon and revealed a birthday cake "Thanks Maddie!"

"No problem!" Winking at him.

"I helped too, it's half my gift!" Cole said pointing at the cake.

"Just hope so you didn't ruin the taste" Quen teasing him.

"Shut up Dude!" He tackles him.

"Boys please!" Marissa said making them both behave.

"Quen started it! Blame him!" Cole sitting next to me.

"Quit it!" Zoe said hushing everyone.

"Well, I also have a gift not as good tasting as Maddie's cake but here." she puts the rectagular box in front of Chace.


"Opened it!" Grinning at the present, Chace opened it revealing a watch. Zoe helped him putting it on.

"I hope you won't be late at our next date with the help of this!" Zoe laughing as he ruin his hair.

"I will not again!" He kisses her cheeks.

"So cute!" Marissa commented.

"I love opening presents" Kieran appeared near Oliver "Happy Birthday!" He bro hug Chace.

"You came!" Chace sounded like a little girl.

"Of course!" He said looking at me, I look away.

"Let's start the celebration? Everyone is here!" Chance said ordering rounds of beers, Kieran taking a seat between Oliver and Chace.

The others drink as like there is no tommorow except for Oliver who is the designated driver of the group, Cole as mine and I don't drink.

"I'm going to sing a song!" Kieran on the mic, Quen and Chace drunk. Clapping eagerly "Big John I'm singing!"

I'm like a crow on a wire
You're the shining distraction that makes me fly, oh
I'm like a boat on the water You're the rays on the waves that calm my mind
Oh, every time

He looks at me as he sings and I can't take my eyes off him as well. Even Chace and Quen who are drank was silent as well.

But I know in my heart
You're not a constant star

"You okay?" Oliver whispered to me, I nodded and looked at Cole he gave me a smile.

And, yeah, I let you use me from the day that we first met
But I'm not done yet
Falling for your fool's gold
And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met
But I don't regret
Falling for your fool's gold

"He does love you so much Maddie" Big John spoke as he listen to Kieran singing.

A tear fell off my eye "I need some air." I walk out the Metro, Cole followed behind.

"Hey" he wraps me into a hug.

"Why would he do that? Didn't he remember that I was trying to hate him!" I said crying in Cole's arms.

"It might sound crazy after all that he'd done but I know and I still see, that he still loves you too"

"But Cole, we can't and we shouldn't" shaking my head.

"I know! I'm sorry!" He holds me tightly.

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