Chapter 4: Dog

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Saturday mornings are happy mornings. I stretched my arms and legs as I slowly open my eyes. Sunshine was beaming out my window, I smile to start the day anew. I sat up my bed, Miho greeting me as she wags her tail.

"I'm not the only one that had a good sleep, right girl?" scratching her head, she jumps up on my bed and started to lick my cheek. "I love you too!" I giggle. A knocked on the door was heard as Miho jump out my bed to welcome dad that was at the door. "Come in."

"Good Morning sweetheart!" He kisses the top of my head. "I'm going to work, your breakfast is at the table."

"Thanks." Giving him a grin.

"Oh, don't forget to take Miho for a walk. She needs exercise." Referring to Miho's pregnant like tummy.

"Yes Chief." I gave him a salute.

"I gotta go." he said glancing at his watch. "Don't forget breakfast then take Miho for a walk, okay?" He repeats.

"I will, I will." Waving him goodbye.

"See you later, I'll bring takeout for dinner." He kissed the top of my head again for the second time before exiting my room.

After Dad left, I took a shower to freshen up for the day. Put on my comfy black Leggings and an oversize white - Do you like Messi? t-shirt, matching it all up with my purple Taylor Swift Keds. I raced Miho downstairs to the kitchen. I grab a milk carton from the fridge and pour it into a glass then sat down by the window and ate the sandwich that dad prepared.

When I was done eating I sling my mini bag and took Miho's leash, attaching it to her pink colored collar. As I was locking the door, heard Zoe shout from their front porch.

"Maddie!" She said waving.

"Yeah?" I peak my head securing the doors locked properly.

"Where are you going with Miho?" she barked as she heard her name.

"At the park, Miho needs a walk. Wanna come?" I ask her.

"Can't, Mom's making us help in the house. You two just have fun but not too much, okay?" She winks, I nodded and waved her goodbye.

As we reached the park. I let Miho loose so that she can run around, she picked up a stick and drop it in front of me indicating that she wants to play catch. I threw the stick as far as I could a minute later she comes back running again. While we're at our 4th throw Miho was somehow taking a little longer than before, I waited a little more but she's still not insight. I started looking for her in the direction where I threw the stick.

"Miho!" called out to her looking around. "MIHO!"

Then she barked, I followed the sound until I saw her with a stranger. She came running towards me when she saw me.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop she's so cute." A woman smiling, she looks like she's in her late-Forties but she still looks beautiful with her dark blond hair tied up in a simple pony tail.

"It's okay. No worries." I smiled back.

"What's her name?" She asks.

"Miho" I answered.

"Such an adorable name, for an adorable dog." she scratches Miho's tummy.

"She likes you, she sometimes get cranky with people she doesn't normally know."

"Don't worry I like her too! by the way I'm -" she was interrupted by a voice.

"MOM! let's go!" Someone called out.

"It's my son." She pointed onto the guys direction, I couldn't clearly see his face for the sun's too bright. "He doesn't really work with patience, I have to go. Nice meeting you and your dog" she smiles before finally leaving.


I was bored doing nothing, So I plan to drive and drop by Dad's workplace. While I was driving to the precinct. I saw a new opened Ice cream parlor and without any hesitation I pulled over to check the place out. Ice Cream is my weakness, it taste so good thinking about it makes me drool.

Entering the parlor, you can feel it's dreamy vibes with their baby pink covered walls and the colorful chairs that compliments it. It is like a place where you can relax and enjoy your dessert. I ordered a triple scoop chocolate chip flavored ice cream, as I waited for my order, I scan my eyes around admiring the whole place. They have a mini library, if you may ask I'm a bookworm. I love Books and having ice cream and books in the same place is heavenly.

They have all Nicholas Sparks book in their shelf then there's also Harry Potter, Mortal Instrument, Twilight, and so much more. I will never leave this place ever.

"Miss, your Chocolate Chip ice cream." The employee said, placing the ice cream on the table.

"Thank you." I nodded, excitedly looking at the dessert.

I dug into my ice cream and I couldn't help but let out a moan, the ice cream taste so good. I was already near finishing my Ice cream, when I realize someone was standing infront of me.

"Maddie?" She wasn't sure it was me at first but then I looked up to face her, after confirming she eagerly sat beside me hugging me tightly.

"Hi Linda." I hugged her back.

Linda is Lance's older sister, she is 2 years ahead of us and now studying as a History major in NYU.

"I missed you! Maddie." She pinches both my cheek.

"I missed you too!" I simply smile.

Linda was the older sister I have always wanted, she is nice, smart and pretty. With the span of 2 years being with Lance, we grew closer together.

"I'm sorry that you and my brother broke up." She said with a guilt in her eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong." holding her hand.

"I was just so dissapointed, I thought you two would last for you to be my official sister." She looks at me with an apologetic smile.

"Even though Lance and I broke up, you are still going to be my older sister."

"Promise?" She asked, looking like a 5 year old child promised by her Dad to go to Disneyland.

"Of course!" I eagerly nodded. She hugged me again.

I actually don't know If she knows the truth about the break up , but I don't want to drag her into it. What happened between me and Lance are not their problem. I am just happy that we are still friends even though my relationship with her brother is over.

After a long talk we went on our separate ways, she's meeting some friends for the weekend and I'm going to my Dad's office.

I parked my car near the precinct. Dad was the Chief of the town, that is why almost everyday of the week he is gone for work. Like what he said - Crimes never takes a break.

I entered the precinct and was immediately greeted by everyone. I know every single one of them, especially the ones that have been in service for so long for when mom died, Dad would always bring me with him to tag along.

"Hey Joe!" I greeted the one with the mustache that he claims is lucky.

"Maddie!" He gives me a hugh-five.

"Looking good!" I tease him, referring on his beloved mustache.

"I know right." He quickly made silly poses and we both laugh.

Dad came out of his office when he saw me because of the open blinds. I walked towards him.

"Hi!" I peck on his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" He spoke he asher me to his office.

"Well, I missed you and I was bored at home so I thought I could see you and we can grab lunch together." Sitting on the couch positioned on the side of the room.

"I loved too but there's this drug raid file I still have to assess." He looks at me, gesturing at the open folder on his table. "What about dinner?"

"That'll do." I smiled at him and got on my feet.

"I'll meet you there later." Arranging the files on his table.

"Okay." I nodded.

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