Chapter 9: Jerk

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Morning came, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my my arms and leg, groaning from the nice feeling it gives.Then suddenly it hit me! I jumped out of bed to turn on the TV quickly that I hit my toe pinky by my desk table rushing.

"Oh Shoot! Oh Shoot!" hopping my way to the remote in one foot thun turn the TV on. Sitting down on the floor, listening eagerly at the morning news. There was nothing about a man being killed or arrested, I sighed in great relief.


Looked up at dad standing by my now opened door. "I didn't know you are fond of watching the early news?"

"Thought I might try anew." Standing from where I was previously sitting.

"That's a good thought." Him pinching my cheek playfully. "I need to get going then, I have an investigation to continue." He was about to close the door but I caught the other side of the door knob.

"Just another thought" I sheepishly smile at him. "Is there anything other calls about, like if something happend last night perhaps."

"Non that I know of." He tries to recall.

"Good." I nodded

"Why?" Raising a brow at my weird question.

"Just a thought." Giving him a toothy grinn. "And another thought, I need to probably brush my teeth to keep out the stinky morning breath." I rapidly walk towards the bathroom, practically sprinting in.

As I finished brushing my teeth and hearing the front door closed, signaling that my dad has finally left for work. I quickly run downstairs and out the door to Zoe's house
, not even caring if I was still in my purple Powerpuff girls pajamas.

I pushed the door bell twice, impatiently waiting for the door to open as it did I saw Max holding the knob.

"Hello!" He greeted me with a bright morning smile with a toast on his other hand.

"Hi Max! Is your sister awake?" I snake my head peeping inside.

"Nope, she is still in her bed." He said stepping aside for me to get in, I said Hi to Zoe's Mom who was at the kitchen probably preparing breakfast then run upstairs to Zoe's room.

"HEY ZOE! WAKE UP!" I climb her bed, jumping up and down trying to wake her up. She groan before covering her face with a pillow. "ZOE! WAKE UP!" I continued.

"No!" She mumble unser her pillow.

"Wake up!"

"Let me sleep Maddie!" She shouted throwing me the pillow.

"You should wake up now!" I threw her the pillow again, this time she kicks me of her bed making me fall but firts on the floor. "Aw!" Rubbing my butt as I help myself stand. "Don't make me do it." I said climbing up her bed again.

"Shut up Maddie!"

"I warned you." Taking the other end of her sheet, I pulled it harshly making her roll of her bed and landing straight on the floor. I laugh at the impact, she groans in pain.

"I freaking hate you!" She annoyedly stands up from the floor.

"I warned you." I said slaming my back on her bouncy bed.

"What the hell do you want?" Getting back to bed, laying next to me.

"It's the day."

"Not your birthday, not your mother's nor your father,is it your mom's anniversary?" She asks remembering the date.


"Then, I don't care." She covers her face again with a pillow attempting to go back to sleep.

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