Chapter 18, A Painting.

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My head pounds, I remember everything up to the point where Hunter knocked my head against the door frame.

Almost instantly I open my eyes because I hate not knowing my surroundings.

I'm in a dull square room, much like the one Lucy was in except this one has a bed and a small desk with a chair peaking from under it, rather than just a couch. The walls are painted a dull grey, with cracks through the drywall and paint peeling off.

The bed sits in the very middle and consists of just a mattress, no sheets or pillows are on it. A slight part of me wishes there were blankets, because I'm cold.

Hunter is no where in sight, so I stand realising I'm not even restrained. I feel my head and notice a small bump, it's still throbbing but now I'm getting used to it.

The first thing I do is check the door to see if it's locked, and I'm not suprised when I discover that it is.

"Ah, you're awake." I jump, looking for where Hunters voice came from.

But I can't see him anywhere... My green eyes examine the whole room, taking everything in. Then I notice it, a small speaker hangs from the ceiling, he's talking through it.

He must be able to see me too, considering he noticed I was awake.

I start to search for a camera on the ceiling, but I can't find one so I give up looking.

Observing the walls I notice three paintings, they're all different. The one set facing the bed directly is an image of a long driveway leading to a huge white house with perfectly mowed grass and a garden. The house is engulfed in red, orange and yellow flames along with the car on fire too. I'm not one for art, but honestly this painting is breath taking.

The other two are on the walls to the left and right of the bed, they're both abstract paintings, and in my opinion, weird.

I go to sit on the bed, considering I have nothing better to do.

Just as I sit, the door knob begins to rattle.

Someone's coming in.

A hate within me seeps through as I see who enters, it's the dreadful guy I thought I escaped from for the night, Scott.

He's followed by Hunter, who actually has some clothes on.

Both of them carry huge smiles on their faces, along with Hunter carrying a black box.

Quite a few questions fulfill my skull; Why are they both here? What the hell is in that box? And why are they smiling so much?

Hunter places the box on the desk.

Then he turns, and they both stand in front of me, Hunters face becomes serious.

"Well, you fucking lied to me Scarlett. Even when I was being nice to you." Hunter blurts out.

Considering that it looks like I'm going to be in a bad situation in a few minutes, I try to suck up to him.

"I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to see her. I didn't mean to lie to you." I retort, keeping my head down to fake respect and regret.

"Oh please, you're just putting on an act. You know that Hunter and I are going to punish you so you're trying to suck up." Scott talks as if he just read my mind, because all of what he said is true. I guess he's good at reading people, I can't stand this asshole.

I'm caught once again, so I decide to be straight up.

"Fine, you're right." I say to both of them, looking to meet their eyes. "But you would've done the same if you were in my situation."

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