Chapter 15, The Need.

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"Please, please don't..."

Pain shoots through my insides, traveling through every single one of my fragile bones and ripping through my soft skin, I shreik.

"I'm sorry! SILAS PLEASE!" I manage to yell between my body shudders and screams, he's not stopping.

"You brought this upon yourself Scarlett! You disobeyed, now I have to punish you." Silas turns the pain up a notch.

I'm going to pass out, I'm going to pass out.

Hot tears stream down my face, this pain is unbearable. I want to die.

"Ju-just kill me al-already." I weep to him, lying on the cold pavement in a shivering, pain consumed ball.

"I'm sorry dear, but death is the end of suffering, and we can't put an end to your suffering." Silas laughs, making the inhumane animal reveal itself within him.

I can't do this. I can't. I have to die, anything is better than this pain.

All I can think about is the pain within me right this moment, nothing else. And I need to make it stop, I have to.

I look to my left and see a rock about the size of a soft ball. Grasping the cold stone in my hand, with Silas slightly distracted by Drake, I bring it down onto my skull.

The sickening sound it makes when it hits my skull makes me quiver, but I do it again, and again, again.

"HEY!" Drake yells to me, but I can't comprehend, I can't feel anything anymore. I smile, the pain Silas was putting me through stops.

I keep going, hitting myself over and over again.

"Scarlett stop!" I feel the empty void in my hand as the rock is pulled from my grasp. But that's all I feel, my body is numb.

Words that the two are saying start to mash together, I can't tell who is who.


"Shit she's bleeding out! Do something! We need her alive!"

I feel the warm liquid seeping down the sides of my head. I laugh, it's over, it's finally over. No more suffering.

"She can drink your blood."

"No, she can die, she disrespects me too much. I can't stand her and she's not good enough to drink my blood."

That made my heart hurt a bit, I'm not good enough? I didn't know which one said it. Although it didn't hurt as much as the throbbing in my head.

"Drake, please. We need her and you know it."

"The drinking of blood is supposed to be special, Scarlett is not special to me. That's why I didn't heal her last time and you know that. She's just someone we need. "

Silence from one of them, I guess he's thinking about letting me die.

I can't move my limbs, as hard as I try I can't move them.

Someone we need they say. The word need triggers something in my head, Aundray, Gabe, Lucy...

What the hell is wrong with me? I begin to panic, I can't die... I have them to look after, they need me.

I recognize the feeling of a tear streaming down my blood filled face, I don't want to die.

"Drake please. Scarlett is the only lead we have on him, without her we're back to square one. C'mon Dray, use your head."

"I know you're right, she is our only lead..."

I can't keep my eyes open any longer, they close, it's hard to breathe.

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