Chapter 17, A Lie.

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"Still like her?" Drake yells to him as he carries me to the hotel.

"Well Drake, I'll tell you if her skills in bed make up for her attitude." Hunter yells back.

Oh hell nah... I have a feeling Hunter likes to punish woman in the same way Scott does.

"I don't have very good bed skills, how about you just let me go?" I ask, beginning to get a bit nervous.

"It's okay Scarlett, I'll teach you." He husks to me, but I don't want to be taught.

He carries me over his shoulder still, I watch his furry ass as we enter the motel.

He's still bare naked, I guess he must be confident in his body appearance.

As we go through the doorway he sets me down, but takes my arms and pins them behind my back, like a cop would do to put on handcuffs.

Hunter makes me walk directly in front of him. My eyes try to adjust to the sudden dim light in the hotel, and then bounce to everything and it brings me back to when I was surfing though here.

Lucy, I have to get her out. Or at least see if she's okay, although I know she's not... because Drake got a hold of her.

I look at the halls as I'm lead through them, I hear all kinds of noises coming from behind the doors; screams, laughter from men, crying, conversation.

The crying and screams tug at me, this isn't fair, Lucy and my boys could be any of them.

"Hunter, why are you and Silas and Drake doing this to these innocent people?" I keep my voice calm, not snappy. As of now I'm trying to be kind to him, I didn't think he would have the authority to punish me but I was wrong, now I need to try and fix it.

He stops and turns me around to look at him, his junk is on clear display, it's hard not to stare.

"This is just how we live, it's not our faults we're this way. Drake, Silas and I have been through a lot more than you could imagine, and because of it we're not very normal." He tells me, I notice his eyes are a bit more calm and this makes me happy because it may mean not as big of a punishment.

His words stick to me, he seems a lot kinder than the other two monsters.

And what have they been through? It still doesn't give them the right to destroy other peoples lives.

I don't know what to say to this, he's keeping his hazel eyes on me, I think he is curious about what I say.

"Well what have you been through that gives you the right to do this to people?" I try to keep what I say nice.

"We'll talk about it later, but you're not going to get away with calling me a mutt, if you thought you were." He reminds me.

Well fuck.

He grabs me and puts his hands behind my back again and we continue to walk, the hallway is empty as we go down it.

I begin to slow because we're getting close to room 104, the room Lucy is in.

There isn't two men outside of her door like there was before, this worries me, because it may mean that she's so weak they don't have to worry about her anymore.

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