Chapter 79 Batman's Back

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Looking at the alley with green blood splattered everywhere, I was slightly taken aback.

“What was that?”

A large amount of information appeared in my retina the moment I opened my.......

Wait a moment, what exactly do I call it now? Never mind.

My eyes fell on the bloody bits, quickly locating the scattered pieces of its brain. Then..... I could see it.

The blood composition, the DNA structure, the forty-three years of its young life. For any human, it would be weird for something to be considered young at forty-three.

That wasn't the point, though. Analyzing its brain, I saw numerous pictures of several years, all digested and understood in less than a second.

A world unknown came to my mind, filled with numerous races and lots of vegetation. This was the first thing this creature saw on the day it was brought into existence.

The moment it was born, his mother left him with the rest of the horde of babies produced and went her way, similar to the thousands of other mother's in the breeding hole.

There was no socialization in its race. No social structure or economic structure of any kind. There was a hierarchy, though, and a very crude one at that.

No surprises, he was at the lowest level their race could go.

The fodder of its race had no language to speak of.

Majority of his forty-three years of existence was mainly spent doing four things. Resting, Hunting which included attacking human settlements. Kidnapping their females and bundling them up to return to the swarm, and of course, investing Its semen to continue to produce the next generation of its kind.

Ok, those part of the memories weren't pleasant to have to go through.

In few words, a proper laborer.

Summed up -

<< Name: ......... >>

<< World: Karos [World Of Monsters] >>

<< World Specialization: Swords And Magic >>

<< Location: ........... >>

<< Race: Goblin..... >>

Forty plus years went by in a flash. I looked at the flesh pieces and fell into contemplation.

A breacher. That's right, this creature was an organism from another world. The dimensional frequency its body exhibited differed greatly from this one. The natural energy in its body also differed greatly from whatever this world possessed.

No only was this creature a breacher but it was also what the humans of this universe referred to as a goblin.

“What the hell is a goblin doing in DC?” I asked with amusement.

“Sir, you mean......”.

“Yes Alice. Apart from the speedsters, we have our very first universal crossover event”.

“Looks like the world of swords and magic is coming to earth”. I chuckled at the AI's exaggeration.

“Maybe, maybe not. But Gotham is about to find itself in a serious pickle”.

“Isn't that too much, sir? From my calculations, this creature is only as strong as a genetically enhanced super soldier. With special equipment, Batman can defeat it with no assistance”.

“True”. The wind billowed as the rain poured. My hair swayed with it as my expressionless face couldn't help but carry a tinge of emotion.

My enhanced eyesight had been pushed to the limit, instantly covering all of Gotham in three hundred and sixty degree visions.

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