Chapter 17 Problems

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Batman POV.


"No matter what you plan to show us, I don't think there's anything that can change our opinion on this matter". Batman said with indifference.

His body lay firmly on his seat with that usual commanding air around him. His mind, however, was a sharp contrast to the calm and composed picture he portrayed on the surface.

Bruce was many things. He was a great detective, a master strategist, a billionaire, a Playboy, a genius, a hero and many more. He was a questioner who always thought several steps ahead to make sure that he was never caught off guard.

Furthermore, he trusted no one and suspected everyone. Not only that, but he was hard on his enemies and even harder on himself.

It was all these things combined that formed the core of Bruce Wayne.

A very, very paranoid control freak who was wary of everyone and everything apart from himself and Alfred.

With such wariness engraved in his bones, he created a sort of instinct which allowed him to read people. Estimate their character, their limits, their behavioral patterns.

It was how he knew whom to place his trust on. It worked splendidly most of the time, and the Justice league was a good example.

This instinct rarely failed him.

But now, he didn't know what to think anymore. This man..... This alien, he couldn't read him. His actions were just completely inconsequential, so much that they made no sense.

It was all hazy, but whatever he did, gave Bruce the feeling that it was part of a well-calculated plan.

It was throwing his superb sixth sense into a chaotic cesspit. For someone who literally lived in a place like Gotham, that's saying something.

Bruce could attribute this to lack of information as even until this moment, the information they had on him was practically bare bones.

Even the world's greatest detective needed something more than a gut feeling to go on if he wanted to solve a case.

This was what made Bruce unable to accept what the government intended to do. Their actions were plain and utter madness to him, and he would fight against it to the very end.

Yet, that's where the unnerving feeling of despair hit him. He was calm, calculating and always thought several steps ahead. That was why he knew that the league had been caught in a bind on this one.

The world council had agreed on this decision. A proposal signed on by numerous Nations, all to give Amari the right to walk alongside them.

And the League was effectively powerless to stop it. They could refute all they wanted, but even if they fought against this decision, there was nothing they could do to change it.

Batman knew, Wonder Woman knew it, Cyborg knew it, the majority of them knew it. They were trapped by the very same laws that they tried to uphold.

Bruce found it to be somewhat poetic yet ridiculous.

The Justice League, made up of powerful individuals, some powerful enough to rank in the forefront of the universe, were shackled by the law of their planet.

It was absurd if you think about it.

The World Council couldn't interfere in League matters, and likewise, they had to stay out of matters of the council.

Superman was the face of the league, but the League wasn't the leaders of humanity. They defended it, but they didn't have control over the nations and couldn't rewrite the laws anytime they wanted.

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