Chapter 36 Alice's Performance

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“How?” After a long time within the tightening atmosphere, Bruce finally uttered a word, emotionlessly. What one would expect from a normal person who just had his cover blown didn't happen.

The man didn't twitch, flinch, or move so much as a muscle at the revelation. Nevertheless, his tone had gotten visibly colder.

He didn't confirm, nor did he bother to deny it at. He just asked a one word question that was an answer on its own.

This was the outward facade Batman always portrayed. Dark, gloomy, composed, always seeming to adapt to every situation. Worthy of being the man who fought against God's with nothing but his peak human Physique and a bunch of high-tech Bat gear.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean that Bruce wasn't unsettled inwardly.

The situation had spiraled out of his control less than a minute after he arrived. As Batman, he always trained himself not to underestimate anyone. To vigorously prepare for the unknown, to expect the unexpected.

Living in a city with mentally insane and psychologically  criminals like Joker and riddler had taught him that and much more.

Especially when it came to the joker, a guy who could take a beating until all the bones in his body were broken and still give off a creepy smile like it was nothing.

You could never guess what the hell was going on within that horror space the mad clown had for a mind.

As for the riddler, well, that was another nutcase that wasn't mentally mad, but was equally troublesome. A depressed, attention-seeking maniac with a goal to show his brilliance to the world in what could be deemed to be the most ridiculous way possible.

I mean, come on! Who still goes on about riddles in the 21st century?

And these two insane freaks were just the regular bad guys that Batman had to face. Then let's add poison ivy, killer croc, Bane, Clay face....... when someone thinks about it carefully, it was a miracle worth testifying about in church that Batman was still alive after all this.

Point being, with all the things he had experienced in the past decade, there were hardly any things in the world that could catch batman off guard.

And strangely, while this was one of them, Bruce was more concerned on something else.

That concern was vividly represented in his question. For Artificial intelligence to clearly call his name, Bruce knew that the Jig was up. What he wanted to know was how high up had it gotten to.

He immediately prioritized what he felt was important.

Seeing that Batman was unmoved by Alice's remarks, Lane nodded inwardly a bit. His evaluation of The Dark Knight just grew a little higher.

“As the famous detective of Gotham, I believe you can deduce the answer to that question yourself”. Lane said in a bored tone.

Since Batman didn't give off any exaggerated reactions, his interest had waned considerably.

"This....... AI?” J'onn asked with a bit of surprise. The situation had taken a sudden turn that he didn't expect at all.

“I'm Alice, currently the most advanced artificial intelligence on your planet. Created by the one your species popularly refer to as The Deviant, Amari, and currently under the command and control of General Sam Lane. But you can call me by my original name, The Red Queen”. The childish voice of the AI answered the Green Martian.

Bruce, whose face carried no expressions frowned inwardly again. As soon as the holographic AI called him out, he already had his suspicions on her origins.

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